View Full Version : Soul Retrieval vs. the Reconnection

26th November 2009, 09:13 AM
I have been reading this book on soul retrieval, thinking maybe it is something I need to do. I have also been dreaming about it since I started the book. Yesterday I had decided to look up practitioners and see if there were any nearby. So, that is what I was doing this morning when I realized how it relates to a dream I had last night.

I was in a sort of wide hallway. It was kind of like a mud-room, a room where you sort of clean yourself up so you don’t drag mud in the house, but big. There were people going back and forth and it seemed pretty busy. I recognized most of the people as assistants and presenters from the reconnection seminar.

I became aware that I had bare feet. Then I saw a cardboard box filled with socks, mittens, and scarves. I went to the box to find a pair of socks, but then Eric Pearl was there, and he picked some socks out for me.

What caught my attention this morning while looking for someone to do soul retrieval, was that they called themselves shamanic healers. I thought, well if I need healing, I’d just do reconnective healing. Then I remembered what I really want to do next is have the reconnection done instead of healing.

It was funny that seeing all the people from the seminar was sort of a reconnection in itself, or at least pointing me in the direction. Then there was Eric Pearl, finding me just the right thing to bring the kind of cozy comfort I was looking for. He was even joking with me and gave me a hug. He also said something that he said often at the seminar, "You are already 100%"

So, what do you think? Reconnection?

Neil Templar
27th November 2009, 12:23 PM
yep. :)