View Full Version : Can't pull my head out... help!

18th November 2009, 05:07 PM
Hey Guys, so i started into this with lucid dreaming, now im experiencing with Hemi-sync and read many stuff By Robert, including his books...
I've also encountered many experiences along the way... i once projected so clearly and easy but it was accidental, since then i have been trying to provoke them... so i have got as far as the vibrational state, but repeatedly one thing occurs .... i can't pull my head out...

here is how it went this morning:

i woke up at 8 then had some light breakfast, then got back to bed, i started having this short dream and thought it was the Hypnagogic coming... then realized i was lying in bed and vibrations came quickly, so far i have learned to redirect them throughout my body pulling them from above my head, they get very strong, i can fell a loud buzz and the vibration even makes my teeth rock against each other hard, i can make them get stronger until there is a point where i start hearing those sounds we all know like voices and auditory hallucinations, all is fine (although im never sure when to exit) so i try to remember Robert Monroe's technique and reach out with one arm, suddenly i was looking through my etheric eyes? and saw my crystalline arm extending into the air, i felt i could easily pull the rest of the body out but the only part that had like a magnet, and strongly bound, was my head.... i had that feeling you are like a musical box and you are floating upside down pinned on your head, i tried many ways... like reach out my arms and yank myself out, but i could not....

is there anything i am doing wrong like exiting late? is this magnetic force natural in my head? is it due to some hidden fear in the subconscious? or am i doing something wrong with the vibrations?

any comments i appreciate much....

Thanks ! :) Om Mani Padme Hung!


18th November 2009, 05:25 PM
Hi Tiger.
I've never had the exact same problem with the head, but I had the same problem with the chest area. I was flat on the floor (rare for me, I was camping). At the time I attributed it to the discomfort of being on the ground, or some sort of 'magnetic thing' with earth energy.
Now I think it was that due to my discomfort I hadn't truly disengaged consciously from my body, and since the source of my discomfort I couldn't properly flex my etheric body because of the overlapping sensations of my body, paralyzed and heavy.
So I'm not sure if the problem you had was positional, (were you reclined? Lying down?) but I think maybe you should treat it as a 'chakra' thing- do you do any energy work, and if you do, what do you concentrate on?
I'd also learn a variety of exit techniques that are very different from each other (some heart chakra centered, like rope) some that use movement (rocking, waterskiing,swinging) or just trying to sit up or get up and walk, and see what happens.
If you are trying too early in trance (I don't use vibrations as a signpost any more because they come in too early while I'm not in deep enough trance or they don't come at all), and you're partially paralyzed, (but stuck) I'd try a visualization that mimics 'up' without strain, like going up a ladder, or something to enhance the third eye projection, like flying through a tunnel, something like that.

18th November 2009, 09:55 PM
I see, mmm maybe its a chakra matter as u say... Well i am a buddhist and i do meditations which are great helpers, what other methods can i go for in energy work wise?
U say vibrations are not a signpost but if they do show up what is the right way to treat them? Or should i jut keep this meditative state to deepen in trance?

About the positioning, i was laying sideways but very comfortable... At least i didnt have any limbs numb, but even if i am on my back or facing down my head is like locked, the rest of my body can float or roll out easy, once i remember i tried rolling and since my head could not roll i twisted all my axis and ended on a weird perceptive view...

I ask a lot of questions, and ur words are of good use... :)

19th November 2009, 01:27 AM
I see, mmm maybe its a chakra matter as u say... Well i am a buddhist and i do meditations which are great helpers, what other methods can i go for in energy work wise?
U say vibrations are not a signpost Well, they are a signpost, but a moving one, so I'd say that it depends on the level of your trance. If you get vibrations when you can physically get up and walk around, it's too early to start trying an exit technique. So vibrations tell you that your consciousness is changing state/frequency, but it doesn't automatically signal a 'window'. So I'd treat them as a signpost, but not too specifically.

but if they do show up what is the right way to treat them? Or should i jut keep this meditative state to deepen in trance? Treat them as an observer, and try an exit technique. If you feel it's not working, go back and deepen the trance and then move on to energy body loosening, and then try another exit technique. Don't give up if the vibes go away, because that does not mean it's too late.

As to energy work, I like tactile imaging, general sponging and brushing to get energy body awareness and to keep the energy body loose and flowing. If you have AD you've read a bit on it, or go to the online tutorials. (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/energy-work-home-page.html)

About the positioning, i was laying sideways but very comfortable... At least i didnt have any limbs numb, but even if i am on my back or facing down my head is like locked, the rest of my body can float or roll out easy, once i remember i tried rolling and since my head could not roll i twisted all my axis and ended on a weird perceptive view... If it works for you then it's fine, I prefer to be reclined.

I ask a lot of questions, That's how you learn.

and ur words are of good use... :) Well, I hope it helps.
Welcome again, Tiger.