View Full Version : D0es R0bert Bruce D0 REm0te Healings?

13th November 2009, 06:20 AM
I have the b00k energy w0rk and i l0ve it, it is pretty straightf0rward and what he says makes sense. I have payed f0r l0ng distance sessi0ns bef0re fr0m several individuals with little effect and w0ndered what the pr0cess 0r difference was with the way R0bert d0es things. Wh0 kn0ws, maybe he is t00 busy at the m0ment t0 c0nsider taking 0n wh0ever asks at a whim but I th0ught i w0uld ask either way. :D

Robert Bruce
13th November 2009, 02:46 PM

I do not advertise healing, but I am available.

Those who need help get through to me.

However, my fees are steep....and you will be charged many smiles, blessings, and buckets of hugs.

Take care, Robert

ps, please email me on workshops @ astraldynamics.com with an attached picture.