9th November 2009, 02:11 AM
Is there a natural path of energy flow for the typical human body?
(Is the full body circuit Robert Bruce details in Astral Dynamics simply the most efficient, or actually the typically natural, unhindered, and harmonised flow path?)
9th November 2009, 12:37 PM
I'm not sure, actually, but I know in Taoist inner alchemy there is a circuit called the Microcosmic Orbit that has been known about and practiced for centuries, if not thousands of years. It is a full-body circuit designed to open all major meridians and also store energy in the lower storage center (lower dan tien) at the same time. I would guess that if there was any circuit that followed the body's "natural" patterns, the Taoist sages would know, hehe. There is a version of the microcosmic orbit that has been posted on these forums; I'll fish up a link and return to this thread. It is possible that RB's "full body circuit" is based on the Microcosmic Orbit, actually; I forget. I'll brb.
*edit* The link is:
viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9157&p=82886&hilit=microcosmic+orbit+lesser+heavenly+cycle#p828 86 ( 86)
I actually practice a different version taught to me by the reiki master I have been working with for a couple years now. I'll type up and post that version here as well. Brb in an hour or so.
9th November 2009, 01:06 PM
The Microcosmic Orbit (Alternate Version):
Start by focusing on your lower dan tien (lower storage center.) This is located just a tiny bit below the naval chakra. Feel the energy there, as best you can. (Some people say you can focus on the naval chakra itself, with the intention of focusing on the storage center, and this will still work.)
When you have a bead on that area, draw energy from there out backwards to your back and spine. Then, split awareness into two streams, and have one stream travel down over the buttocks and along the underside of your right leg, and the other stream travel down over the buttocks and along the underside of your left leg. Continue moving the energy along the underside of both legs until it curves around the back of your heel and reaches the soles of your feet.
From there, take in earth energy into your feet and mix it with your own energy. Just kind of vacuum up earth energy, is the way the reiki master put it, lol. When you feel you have a good amount, take the energies at the base of your feet and curl them up around the tips of your toes to the top of your feet, still in two streams, then move the energy over the front sides of your legs and over the front of your hips. As you move the energy out of your legs and it gets closer to your lower dan tien, merge the streams again, and bring all that earth energy, as well as the energy that was yours, back into the lower dan tien.
Then move energy out backwards to your back and spine again. Split it into two streams and move it up your back to under your armpits. Then, move the streams down the underside of both arms to the palms, then curl it around the tips of the fingers and bring it back up over the back of the hands and top of your arms, to the back of your neck. (If this part with the hands is too hard, the reiki master said it isn't totally necessary, so if you have trouble you can just move the energy straight up your back to your neck.)
Once the energy is at your neck, move it up farther, and send it up above your head, with the intention of letting it linger with higher energies (by this she said she meant "light energy," "virtuous energy," "everything that is 'higher' and good.) Let it sit there for 1 to 10 minutes. Apparently the longer you've been practicing this circuit, the more comfortable you will get letting your energy linger above your head for longer and longer; I usually just do a minute and then get nervous, lol.
After you've let the energy mingle with the higher energies, it distills into a kind of energy nectar, a sweet-feeling liquid. Bring the energy back down, and let it drip like water down the front of your face and the front of your neck, and then down the front of your chest and torso back into the lower dan tien. It should feel pretty good when it enters the lower dan tien.
Do the entire circuit a few times, then seal the energies in your lower dan tien using this method:
For women, make your left hand into a loose fist and cup your right hand over it. For men, do the opposite.
For women, spiral your two hands, as you hold them in this way, 36 times counterclockwise outward from the navel, then spiral them back inward 24 times clockwise, ending at the navel. Hold in your mind the intention to store the energies you've gathered.
For men, do the same thing, 36 times outward and 24 times inward, ending at the navel, but the 36 times outward you do clockwise, and the 24 times inward you do counterclockwise.
I'd also advise reading Korpo's post on the microcosmic orbit, because he has some really good advice on not forcing this process, and also on the Jade Pillow and other areas that it's good to know about where energies can potentially become stuck.
14th November 2009, 03:45 AM
Thank you!
That was very helpful.
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