View Full Version : Odd dream while trying for an OBE

8th November 2009, 08:28 PM
I was not sure where to post this, I was actually trying for an OBE when I had this experience. I don't know what to call it exactly. My dreams when I do remember them have that kind of hazy dreamy quality to them, and I really don't often remember them with stark clarity. This was the oddest thing I have had happen in quite some time. I am sorry it is so lengthy, but it was just as I recalled it. So this is my journal entry of a very strange feeling incident.
Date: Wed, November4, 2009
Time: 6:37 PM
OK, so I had the strangest experience. I can't really tell if it was OBE or Dream/Lucid dream or both. I lay down to Practice relaxation and OBE on the sofa. I begin to relax and and practice raising chakra energy. I find myself on the brink of sleep 3 or 4 times and raise my consciousness slightly so I don't fall asleep. I begin to feel signs of separation...A lot of tingling, especially in my arms, and a type of buzzing, then I felt like I OBE'd but it wasn't free and easy, it was like I was dreaming, but I was conscious. At first it felt sort of like a dream except with some conscious thought In this scenario I hear someone knock on my door. My daughter was at my house (irl, she had just left my house earlier that day). I felt annoyed because I had to roust myself from the sofa where I had settled for an OBE. It was the window installers at the door. They wanted to unload some stuff into my garage.(Presumably things they would need to install my windows at a later date.) It seemed like an awful lot of stuff just to install two windows (irl, I am having two windows installed in our house later this month) There was even some yellow gear, wood, sheet rock etc. How odd. All of it seems new and shiny equipment. There were five or six individuals there doing various tasks. Two were women, and the others were men of various ages. One of the women seemed to in charge, which was odd because she seemed to be deaf. She had said something to me, and when I answered her it was as if she could not hear me. I said something else and it was quite obvious she could not hear me. I liked her quite a lot for some reason, I felt a warm connection to her and felt the need to give her a hug there in the garage before they left. One of the men seemed rather lazy and talkative as he sat in the garage just chatting away with me. I don't remember about what, but he seemed a bit to familiar and this made me uncomfortable. When they finished, I was going to close the garage door with the garage door controller, and one of the men said he thought that the door was broke. and I thought "Well if you would move, I will check!" I remember being concerned and annoyed because the door had not been broken earlier, Now it would not close all the way so therefore would not lock down.
After these men left my garage, I heard them move to the other side of my house, for what reason I cannot say as there was nothing for them to do on that side. I remember that they started playing some kind of music, something that I was very familiar with and could sing to...Odd. Jessi and I continued to sit in the garage and discuss this odd event, and that is when we found a mangy black cat there with some fur missing. Then I found a bunny, part of his skin was under the edge of a board the men had put in the garage. Some of the rabbits fur was missing there. I cuddled it a moment, then released it. Before this portion of the dream? ended we found yet another cat, he was very large and fat and also had patches of fur missing. I finally moved out of the garage, a bit worried about the broken door, but went and lay back down on the sofa to continue to try for an OBE. Relaxed, and began to feel very strong tingling in my arms, and VERY strong side to side vibrations. I know this is it, and I try to leave my body. I manage to open what I thought was my third eye, but with much difficulty. I can see clearly but it was as if I were having to force it. I see the curtains that are on the sliding glass doors blowing up and over the sofa where I am lying. Something doesn't feel right. As if I were OBE but in a dream. I decide to try and get up, and it was like moving through molasses! It was so hard to even move. I call to my daughter to help me, she says not once but twice that she is not able to as she is headed out to the store shopping for a pair of Armstrong slacks or jeans or something. I just thought, well what the heck are those? So then I decide to close my eyes and do this OBE correctly as this was obviously not right. I concentrate, vibrations still feel very strong, everything feels like a go. I tell myself OK, just open your astral eyes and get up. I open them easier this time, but still can't get up. I feel as I am weighted down. This feels like my den, my sofa, but this time the curtains are all wrong, still blowing but they are lace. How strange. I am determined to get up, and with GREAT effort I slowing get off the sofa. I see what looks similar to my room, but so odd, the ceiling fan is on the wall, there is a five foot tall curio bookcase blocking my way to the rest of my house. The rug on the floor is not mine, looks ok but not mine. Oddly I can feel it under my bare feet, so this must not be OBE. I am really puzzled by it all. My daughter is of no help to me, seems that she is just leaving the house to go shopping. I decide this OBE has gone very wrong and no matter how hard I try I cannot figure it out. I decide to end it because it feels to strange and to difficult. Instantly I am back in my body, awake, and completely disoriented. I don't feel energized as I normally do if I have had an OBE, I feel sluggish and drained. I mull it over in my head, try to sort it out, but that isn't happening, so I just get up and go write about it. From beginning to end it lasted about and hour and a half. I have no idea what has just happened. It was all real and unreal at the same time.

So does any of this sound familiar, was it just a dream or what the heck was it??

8th November 2009, 09:48 PM
I think you had a direct phase into the astral. There is a stickied topic on phasing in the Research and discussions topic.

9th November 2009, 05:25 AM
I was actually trying for an OBE when I had this experience. I don't know what to call it exactly. My dreams when I do remember them have that kind of hazy dreamy quality to them, and I really don't often remember them with stark clarity.

Your description is exactly how my OBEs look. Hazy, almost look pixelated, or like a photograph that's been taken in too much light. This is how I can always tell the difference.

My dreams, on the other hand, are super clear and vivid.

Maybe you had an OBE after all.

And like CF said, you can phase without exit sensations. This is how I do it most of the time now.