View Full Version : What is conciousness?

6th November 2009, 09:02 PM
What exactly is your concious? And what is the definition of concious. My spelling is bad so bear with me.

Thanks JS

6th November 2009, 10:10 PM
Well, it depends on what you mean by the word, because there are many definitions.

The condition of being aware, or self aware is sometimes called consciousness, a quality of mind is also called consciousness, and also in psychology the conscious mind is one of the qualities of your psyche, (mind/soul/spirit)- divided into conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, and unconscious mind.
When you get into conscious and subconscious, they are divided as follows:
conscious mind- the part of the mind that analyzes what it observes, makes decisions based on what's in memory, verbalizes and judges. The frontal and prefrontal cortexes are associated with this type of thinking. Some emotions are involved in the conscious mind, or rather the judgement or analysis of them. "I am sad because...."
Then you have the subconscious mind, which stores in memory all that is perceived, without any verbal or judgement call on the information. Emotions are involved in the subconscious, and it is associated with what is known as the 'old mammalian brain'. (paleocortex?)
For the Superconscious, you have either Jungian theory or metaphysical theories. Literally, 'above consciousness', aka. 'The Mind of God', possibly 'The Higher Self', etc.
You get the picture, but if I were to guess, the unconscious mind is probably associated with the reptilian brain, and simply does things automatically, and doesn't think in any way, only reacts.

7th November 2009, 01:10 AM
This is a question that has been asked by philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists for centuries. The answer is: we don't know.

My personal opinion is that it's the very substance of life, the universe, and everything, but, really, it defies simple description or definition. I get the impression that all of Creation exists simply for Consciousness to try to understand Itself, actually.