View Full Version : Odd dream, new symbols

6th November 2009, 07:33 AM
I had a dream about my house, which was the one I live in now. This is a first, even though I've lived here for about a year and a half. Usually, a house represents "myself", but in this case, for reasons I won't detail, I believe it represented the things I manifest in my life (by various means, mundane and otherwise).

In the dream, there was a bit of a commotion in the normally quiet street. I opened the door to call in my kids, who were outside playing, and saw a van with all kinds of people piling out of it. It was some sort of sales team, and they were going to all the houses in the neighborhood. Because I had the door open, a team of three zeroed in on me. I was busy trying to get my kids into the house and I felt quite harried and distracted, although I did indicate that I wasn't really interested in whatever they were trying to sell me. The house was very messy, and I didn't want anyone to come in and look around it, I just wanted to get the kids in and shut the door, but the next thing I knew, these three people, a man, a woman, and an older woman, had come inside and were sitting down and the man had gone into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for himself!

I was quite cross about this, and I said, "Excuse me, but did I invite you into my home? I'm quite sure I didn't! I'm going to have to ask you to leave, right now!"

The older woman looked quite shocked and perhaps somewhat perplexed, and I had the impression that she thought I was very ungracious and had bad manners. In fact, the hurt/confused look on her face is the thing I remember most clearly about the dream. I woke up right after ordering them out (so I don't know if they actually left).

I'm not sure what this means. There might be the possibility that the man/woman/older woman represent my parents and my maternal grandmother, who were my primary family unit throughout my early life (I had another grandmother, but she didn't come into the picture much).

The house representing "what I manifest or bring into my life", the house being very messy and me not wanting people to see it, and a group of very push people (my family of origin?) trying to sell me something by barging in and sitting down and even making a cup of tea... It should make sense but I can't make it come into clarity.

Any thoughts?

6th November 2009, 02:07 PM
How I see it is that old ideas are starting to creep into your understanding of how life works, and part of you has recognized it and is fighting them. By having and remembering this dream you are or will be becoming more aware of what these ideas are. You already figured out where these ideas came from (your family of origin). Now it's time to make the 'removal or debunking' of these ideas conscious.

It's possible that you see these ideas as becoming pervasive of your social environment- things you are hearing people say remind you of what your f.o.o. said or did, and it's affecting you more subconsciously than consciously. Until now.

Anyway, that's what I think.