View Full Version : an amazing dream

6th November 2009, 12:00 AM
i just suddenly remembered a dream i had about 8 years ago, in the beginning of the dream i just started flying through a black area through all of these glowing squares with the intention of going through time, and i went through all of these diffrent patterns (which from what i remember was quit exillerating) and when i stopped i was in this vast land with mist rolling over the trees (which were basiclly skyscraper big, and all of the sudden i saw a t rex wandering through the dense jungle, it was so amazing and vivid, and the region was mountainess and so beautifull, just thought i would share, but i think i was 7 when i had this dream

6th November 2009, 02:09 PM
Sounds like an AP from a dream. I wonder if you went into an astral landscape, or back in 'astral time'.

6th November 2009, 04:48 PM
it probbaly was,ican only imagine how pleasing this was to my younger self ,i have another interesting dream that im going to share but im going to have to recall it all,

9th November 2009, 06:52 PM
CFTraveler wrote

Sounds like an AP from a dream.

and I agree. As a child and preteen I had dozens, probably hundreds, of OBEs. Yet back in the day little, if anything, was known about OBEs so I considered them to be only dreams.
It's sort of funny because back then, when I was young and having OBEs on a weekly basis, they did not seem all that important. Now that I'm older and have OBEs Much less frequently I value them MUCH more.
Go figure. :)
Regards 8)