View Full Version : Twin Flames and Remote Viewing

1st November 2009, 12:34 AM
I am posting this here because it was suggested that Mr Bruce might be able to help me.

My name is Queen and I have a question that I really hope someone out there can answer.

There is a guy whom I know to be my twin flame. Presently we arent together but our connection continually grows stronger. I can see his memories as well as what he may be doing at the present. My question is why is it that sometimes I am looking through his eyes as if I share his body with him and other times I can see like I am standing near him, watching or looking at whatever he is?

I also had an incident where I appeared at his side when he was in the hosp. I was seen by another person so I know it wasnt a shared dream. I held his hand and kissed his forehead. He could feel, see and hear me. Like I was there in person though I was 2 states away. I had thought it was a dream until I found out this event actually happened.

This and many many other things have happened over the years. We really dont get along now ( he is a total idiot) but breaking ties is near impossible. For all intents and purposes we share most everything that happens to each other. In other words if it happens to him I feel it and vice versa. And yes i mean anything and everything. Physical, mental, emotional and psychically we are almost 100 percent connected. I would say at least 80% or greater. His wounds even show up on my body at times but I most always feel them like they are my own even if they dont appear.

I have worked on my psychic shields for years. Yes I have met him in person. I have known him for years now. I have been trying to sever this link for at least a year and a half. And I mean I have tried every suggestion I received, and they have been numerous. They include but are not limited to candles burning the cord that binds us, Asking the archangel as well as my guardian angel to cut the cord, ummmmm........scissors..you name it I tried it. I have consulted astrologists and people who really know about these things.

He feels pretty much everything I do though it is stronger on my end and we each have slightly different things that stand out for us. While I can remote view him pretty much at will he can sense me when my presence is near. Its a 2 way thing for us, not at all one sided. It is a very deep connection. I have pretty much come to terms with it and so I am trying to understand it now. Why it happened. What it means and what all the different things it entails means.

For now I am trying to puzzle this out 1 stupid event at a time.

Thanks for listening

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 06:09 AM

The bilocation and shared feelings and experiences can happen. I have experienced this myself.

Traditionally, it is said that it takes a woman 7 years to break a love connection, and 4 years for a man. For a woman, I know it takes time.

First, I would suggest that you try to validate this. For this, both of you would need to keep a journal and document times and dates and what is experienced. Then, after say 3 months, the journals should be compared to see if anything matches.

If there are significant hits, this would be a demonstrable phenomenon worthy of study.

My best suggestion is to use a combination of verbal and silent affirmations for this.

Results will depend on how much time is put into this.

It will also help if you do not think or speak of this other person, regardless of what happens.
