View Full Version : The Pantheon.

Neil Templar
30th October 2009, 04:47 PM
couple of nights ago -

i'm with my sister and we're heading to the coast.
on the horizon, a MASSIVE structure, miles wide, is visible.
it has a wide base, and tapers toward the top. it's basically shaped like the Eiffel Tower, but it's one solid structure.
the top is so high above the clouds, i can't imagine it's even in the atmosphere.

i ask what it is, and a voice (male) replies "that's the Pantheon."
this is repeated quite a few times, The Pantheon.

as we approach, i see that it's base isn't built into the ground. it's made of metal, and it simply rests on the ground beneath. infact, as i get so close that we're about to walk under it, i see that it's not really supported by the ground. it's kinda floating in place. it creaks as it wobbles ever so slightly. i realize that this thing landed here.
it's a spaceship.
the ground underneath is hilly, so there is a clear area underneath, between the hills. this space is huge too!

i see miles of ground under there, covered in millions of orange chairs. they look like they're made of moulded plastic, or very dense foam. there are literally millions. it looks like a scrapyard for these plastic chairs.

i see two men, in work-overalls and hard-hats.

just then i get a feeling of deja-vu.
i know who one of the men is. he's the owner of the company that makes these chairs. i also know that if i play my cards right when i meet him, he's gonna be influential in making me a success in my career.

he walks up to me and says, "do you like beer?"
"of course" i say.
"do you have any on you?" he asks.
"nope" i say, "but i'd join you for one, if you'd like"...
"i'd like that" he says.

then i walk with him, over to the edge of the grass, where we can look out over the bay, the water, and the beach stretching for miles. all the way it's covered by the millions of chairs.
we get close to the piles of chairs, and i see that some are different items. still made of this plastic, but for different functions.
i see a large thing that looks like a dragon's head. or a dinosaur's head.
i pick it up and it's super lightweight. almost transparently thin plastic.
then i pick up another, which looks like a canoe.

we're talking the whole time, but i can't remember the details. the result is that he wants me to come work with "them".
he mentions The Pantheon a number of times. it's a factory for making these things, the chairs, the canoes, everything.

then we walk over to a wall, where there are two doors. big metal doors.
he's about to take me inside, to begin my apprenticeship...

i wake up.

Neil Templar
30th October 2009, 04:52 PM
The Pantheon (pronounced /pænˈθiː.ən/ or /ˈpænθi.ən/,[1] Latin: Pantheon,[nb 1] from Greek: Πάνθεον, meaning "Every god") is a building in Rome, originally built by Marcus Agrippa as a temple to all the gods of Ancient Rome.

30th October 2009, 08:43 PM
You have the coolest dreams.

6th November 2009, 12:09 AM