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26th October 2009, 11:43 PM
Hello , gentlemen and ladies , have someone has dream experiences as the next one ?

Means that you go to sleep at night and when you are fully in dreams , you feel and , in the same time , know , if you want , you can in a dream , but only your fear stopped you . I don 't speak about LD , BUT about a real wake up , like in real life , when you wake up , in the morning ?

Not only Common LD , but an 1000x real LD .

27th October 2009, 01:22 AM
Hello , gentlemen and ladies , have someone has dream experiences as the next one ?

Means that you go to sleep at night and when you are fully in dreams , you feel and , in the same time , know , if you want , you can in a dream , but only your fear stopped you . Can't what?

I don 't speak about LD , BUT about a real wake up , like in real life , when you wake up , in the morning ? A real wake up what?

Not only Common LD , but an 1000x real LD . I don't understand the question.

27th October 2009, 06:00 AM
It seems like she's asking if there is anyone who has gone to sleep and "woken up" in another reality. A real life where you felt like you could have just stepped into it and lived there or explored around.

27th October 2009, 08:59 AM
Is it like in the books Hank Wesselman has written where he resides in the body of another individual who is aware of his presence (and vice-versa when the other soul comes to visit his world) or is it more like a parallel version of you in a completely different life?

Both experiences are often attributed, rightly or wrongly, to very intense lucid dreams. Both have been reported but I don't think all that widely.

27th October 2009, 10:04 AM
I had the experience of waking up in another place. The people there even acknowledged my presence with much surprise. It seemed like to them I had just appeared there.

I was in a war room. It was full of men in uniforms. There was a big map on the wall and a man at the map pointing at various locations. I was standing at the back of the room and when the speaker saw me his eyes widened. That made everyone else turn around and look at me. The place scared me. I got the heck out of there somehow, and was back in my bed.

That was the only time something like that happened to me.

27th October 2009, 01:25 PM
Then yes, a few times. But it didn't feel 'as real as here', it just felt like that was reality, when it was happening.
I do believe it was a visit to an alternate reality from my this-here perspective.

30th October 2009, 08:28 PM
WOW!!Cool Mishell! Yeah. Exactly about this kind of experience i want to talk . Thank you for sharing your experiences with me .

I , for all I can remember , I have only this kind of experiences and I wanted to know if someone else have them .

Thanks again , guys .

1st November 2009, 03:25 AM
I had one, again not as real as consensus reality. I was in a dingy high rise flat, still a woman and a mother, with an infant and a clumsy, black haired son of about 13 for whom I didn't feel a whole lot of affection (at least in that moment). My build was stocky, I feel I was somewhat dour in nature and I had a bad haircut (I knew this though I couldn't see myself). My world was grim with the feel of totalitarianism. We were hiding under furniture but I could see outside a small window. There were flying saucers outside the window and "ours" were pursuing "the enemy". It was an unusually vivid and stable environment but I classify it as a dream.