View Full Version : ? about feeling restless and can't breathe

24th October 2009, 06:43 PM
I was just doing the "cascading waterfalls" cd and got about half done when I felt a twitch or something in my midsection. It was at that point that I had a very strong need to move and felt very restless. Also and most importantly, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I don't believe that my breathing was any different that before, but I felt like I was breathing too shallow. I tried to ignore it for as long as I could, ...about 30 seconds and then I had to take a deep breath. Is this a normal part of things and if so, what can I do to prevent it or deal with it?

This is not the first time this has happened. I have had other times where I felt very restless and an urgent need to move my body.

Also, while doing the counting, is it ok to have hypnogogic imagery? Or, does that mean I am going too far.

Thanks : )

24th October 2009, 08:40 PM

I suspect you're heading into sleep territory, especially if you're seeing hypnagogics. What seems to be happening is that your body is sending the signal to move as a test for unconsciousness. If you resist the reflex to move your body assumes you're asleep. The next step is to send you into sleep paralysis to prevent movement of limbs as you dream.

You're also detecting the changes in the breathing pattern that occur during sleep.

If you continue to resist the urge to move, you will eventually feel a full paralysis. There may be some twitching here and there first and you may even hear yourself snore. After this, you may see through your eyelids or you may experience vibrations or auditory hallucinations (that can be frightening). You might not experience the latter, however. Instead, you might be able to roll or float or sink or climb out of body. You may even experience a presence in the room (possibly your own astral body perceived from the conscious mind still inside your physical body). You may experience dual awareness as the consciousness in your different bodies is alternately expressed. You might also lose awareness and slip into a dream.

24th October 2009, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the reply. How long do I have to endure the restlessness and feeling like I can't breathe? Is it actually a feeling or am I lacking air? There was only once that I saw a little hypnogogic imagery. Otherwise, I was trying to keep focused on counting and breathing.

26th October 2009, 08:34 AM
How long do I have to endure the restlessness and feeling like I can't breathe? Is it actually a feeling or am I lacking air?

I suspect you're not lacking air, unless there are sleep apnea issues. Why should you be; you're just lying there? You sleep every night and you never suffocate, do you? So, presuming you're in good health, it's a matter of perseverance. It might be worth experimenting with bodily positioning if it's really disturbing you.

If other things start to happen, they'll take your mind off the feeling quite quickly.