View Full Version : Dreaming of the End of the World

22nd October 2009, 11:21 AM
Good evening all.

I had a three-part dreaming saga in which the theme was 'The End of the World'. They occured one night after another, adding another peice to the puzzle. Sorry for the long read, but I believe the detail is necissary as this dream was no regular dream. VERY interesting read. Here is what happened:

Dream 1 - 16/6/09
Wasn't exactly an official dream, however I awoke from unconscious sleep into a state of blackness and deep trance. I didn't attempt to think of anything, though the feeling I felt was very unusual - I felt VERY SURE that the world was going to end soon. I awoke from this deep state, seeing the bright day and said to myself, "It's a beautiful day again today... too bad the world is going to end soon." The feeling and thought felt very convincing and I don't understand why I felt this way.

Dream 2 - 17/6/09
The World was highly unstable. I was sleeping a summer night at home, and we were experiencing 'heat storms' (storms caused by intense heat) on the hot night, which invovled lightning. A plant outside caught fire and I was given the option to 'save' my current position in time and either attempt to save the plant, and if unsuccessful I could re load back into my position. I decided why not? So, I went outside and the entire garden caught fire, my I couldn't even reach the plant as I melted down whilst walking towards it... I IMMEDIATELY re loaded my previous position the moment troubles began. So, back in my family room, I went into my lounge room. I felt immediate massive pain! The light being shone onto the floor was massive! Outside looked like a yellowy red fog of absolute heat and energy. (I think) The World appeared to blow up right at this point.

(I'm pretty sure these parts occured after the above dream, but I'm not sure because I hadn't written a date with it)
As the previous dream was coming to an end, the following scene appeared, which is most freaky. As the World had blown up, I was teleported to a scene of myself in my room. I was standing as a ghost in the centre of my room, looking outside the open window. Time WENT BACKWARDS, as I saw the yellowy-red fog and lightning and meteors begin to cease, and day and night cycled through numerous times, the days came to look more and more stable, more and more beautiful and peaceful. Then it finalised on a beautifully warm (not hot) day which in contrast seemed so peaceful with little happening outside other than the birds whistling. I then awoke.

I was actaully awake at this point, not dreaming. I opened my eyes. THE DAY LOOKED EXACTLY HOW THE FINAL SCENE OF MY DREAM LOOKED. (Was my dream somehow a point of time in the future, then I was rewinded to the current day? Interesting!)

Dream 3 - 18/6/09 (Sorry this is close to original copy because I can't remember details well)
My family were in mum's car (including best friend Joel). Dad was speeding down Grandma's street and rammed a few zombies over. A gargoil-like creature grabbed onto the back windscreen of the car. Joel and myself gathered psi and I shot it first with the energy and the creature fell off immediately! Dad didn't believe it was me. We drove and ended up at a church, where all other non-zombies gathered. A mass of zombies met us eventually and we all fought. Some zombies were huge (triple size of human)! I stood infront of the non-zombie crowd confidently in 'spiritual' fighting stance, stimulating my psi for attack and defence. The battle begun. Zombies were turning non-zombies into zombies! I became a zombie eventually and a non-zombie black man started hitting me. I couldn't speak (zombies couldn't?), but shoved my hand/palm in the air as a sign of saying "stop!". He wouldn't stop, so I punched him real hard in the face!

Feel free to comment/interpret/question.

22nd October 2009, 07:50 PM
That all sounds pretty amazing, and to have three consecutive dreams in a row like that makes it seem like your unconscious was at least trying to get something across to you. I unfortunately don't really have the right or knowledge to say that this would be something that happens at some point in the future, as I have no experience with that. The questions for that I guess would be whether you have some level of clairvoyance that you know about that would more justify this possibility.

I am currently taking a dream seminar, and something my professor emphasizes is how you appear to takes things in the dream and how you feel after you wake up. With the first one you said you had a strong feeling of its validity from somewhere (which is quite creepy, or it would have been to me). The second dream is also really interesting, especially when you wake up. Did you feel convinced here too? Was there something else you felt specifically, like worried or frightened? And the same thing to be thought about with the third dream as well.

Other questions would be if you were playing a game that would have spurred these dreams, or reading a book, thinking about it before sleeping, etc. I know with a vampire dream I had a little while ago, I had not read or played anything to bring it on, though had the knowledge in my mind. Sorry if this is all babble, your dreams are quite shocking and I am trying to make something out of them, and possibly failing miserably :P

At the time, did you have an impending sense of something coming that you could not stop in your life? Something perhaps as loaded to you as the end of the world would be? It's really hard to interpret for someone else, as there are things they associate in their mind that others could not necessarily know, but hopefully this helped with some ideas? If I think of more I'll send it your way.