View Full Version : Flying problems

21st October 2009, 07:26 PM
i know I already posted this question, but I haven't received any response and I wanted to add some recent developements to it. Here is the original post.

"Since I started studying OBEs several years ago, I haven't been successful yet, but I have found that I wake up in dreams more and more often. When I was younger, whenever I realized I was dreaming I would wake up imediately, but in the last several years I've been able to stay in the dreams and control them longer and longer.

Since as far back as I could remember, I've always wanted to fly. Therefore, everytime I realize I'm dreaming, the first thing I try to do is fly (well, sometimes I call out to my dead friend first but she never comes). I've found that I can jump high in the air, hover a moment and gently fall back down to the earth. I can't stay up. Everytime it's the same, with the exception of one night when I woke up in a dream at my old high school. I then ripped off a door from a classroom and jumped on, riding it like a magic carpet through the air. I realized that time that if I was holding something, I could fly, but it was hard to control. I also climbed a tree and used my mind to make it move across the field. What a fun ride that was! Towards the end of that adventure, I grabbed another door and was going to visit a friend. The wind started blowing me back from the direction I wanted to go, but I kept fighting it. By the time I realized I was going the wrong direction (which I figured was probably why the wind was trying to blow me in the right direction) I woke up.

Since then, I sometimes grab onto brooms or various other objects but haven't had the same success."

Recently, I read about an exercise in a channeling book and tried it. It had me walk down a spiral staircase, walk down a hallway and through a door into "my room". There I was to wait and see what happens. A few interesting things happened, and then Archangel Micheal showed up. When I saw him, I asked him if he could teach me how to fly. He then spread his huge beautiful wings. I imagined wings sprouting out of my back and spreading. Then he began to flap them, raising up about a foot and half with each flap. I did the same and honestly felt like I was floating upwards. I was still aware of my body sitting in the chair at the same time. We slowly flapped our wings and went up through the roof and then hovered over this small town in a valley. It was beautiful. We then began to soar. Suddenly I snapped out of it and found myself still sitting in the chair.

Since then, several times throughout the day I practice imagining my wings. I pull energy up through my body on the in breath, and push it out my back in the shape of wings on the out breath. I play around with using different chakras and imagining my wings as different colors depending on the chakra I'm using. I figured it's a good energy exercise and I was hoping it would help me remember to spread my wings next time I had a lucid dream.

This morning, I managed to have a lucid dream and I remembered to spread my wings. But I was a bit unstable, on the verge of waking. I managed to fly along the ground with my front side barely touching the floor. I went through a wall, and then all was white. I was trying to turn and go upwards but then my alarm clock went off. But I think I'm getting closer.

Sorry this got a bit longwinded. Thank you for your time.

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 05:09 AM

I'm glad to see you are having fun and making progress.

The gravity 'habit' can take a bit of practice to overcome.

Using a mantra helps, as does using flying things, like magic carpet, or flying broom, or growing wings. So you are on the right track.

The wind you experienced is most likely the Astral Wind. Next time you encounter this, relax and go with it. This can take you into your past or your future.
