View Full Version : God and Religion

21st October 2009, 09:20 AM
Dear Robert,

Over the past few months I have been spending hours every day to understand the truth, however I haven't come to a conclusion and only found myself in complete confusion and stress. All this intense research has resulted from my ex-girlfriend and her family being full-on Christians, whom strongly believe Christianity is the one and only Way, the truth, the way to God and Heaven. I've studied the Bible and continue to do so, but I find it difficult to believe.

I come to you as I believe you possess great insight into this topic, as you are an amazing mystic.

My question(s):
1. What is your opinion on God?
2. What is your opinion on religion? What is it's relationship with God? Is there only one path, or do all ultimately lead to God and Heaven?

Here is my personal answers to the above questions:
1. God is real. He is the ultimate and infinite, and is apart of everything and everyone. He is the 'source' as you like to call him. In order to get into God's good books, one must persue a personal relationship with God through one's own personal way (my way would be study books on the topic of Meditaion and Buddhism) and to be a good person in general.
2. Religion is Man-made. They are all partial truths to the ultimate truth. They provide stories, commandments and the rest in order to better oneself in a moral sense - as someone with good morals is a good person and therefore will be more appreciated by God. If I were to focus on studying a particular religion, Buddhism interests me most, however Christianty seems to have a sort of power about it (yet I still don't agree with it). There is no one-way in religion as all religions are differing (different perspectives) man-made believed ways of entering a relationship with God, and no particular religion reigns more true or persuasive than another - it's more personal opinion I believe. Religion sets you on the 'right path' if you are wanting to be led to God and into Heaven, however they are only partial and do not encompass all that is required.

Robert Bruce
12th March 2010, 05:02 AM

You are God. you just do not realize this. To be more accurate, there is a gradient of consciousness. You are an aspect of God...like the finger on your hand. This finger is a part of you, but it does not realize this. But it is a part of the whole. Take one single cell from your body. This is a part of you. It contains your entire DNA. It is a living part of you. Remove it from your body and it is still a part of you. If a clone were grown from this cell, this clone may grow to be a unique individual. But it would always be a part of you.

Ask any religious person 'point to where god is?' and then 'point to where God is not'

You cannot do either, because God is everywhere, including inside you.

And inside the dog, cat, hamster, etc.

Organized religions are by and large social, cultural constructs.

anything created by man is flawed.

We humans see only 1% of the truth.

God is not a persona, per se. God is a force. However, God can appear as a person.

My best advice is expressed in my Catch Basket Concept article http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teac ... ncept.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html)

When approached by religious people I ask them a simple question. 'On what personal experience do you base anything you say you believe in?"

This is very disturbing for them. Try it.

Because in truth, their beliefs come from books and secondhand information. This is no different in principle to a child's beliefs in father xmas and the easter bunny.

We grow out of those beliefs as we become adults, and replace them with more complex beliefs. But, again, this is the same principle.

I tried to do what you are doing...to understand the truth. This resulted in the events in the article cited above.

The truth is, people do not want the truth. They want something comfortable to believe in, so they can feel secure.

Be good and believe 'exactly' as I do and you will go to heaven. Believe slightly differently, and you will go to hell for eternal torment.
These are not the words of Source, because they are unreasonable. Holy books were written by men. Inspired men, channeled information, call it what you like. Still penned by men.

If there is a slight disagreement in interpretation of text, a church splits.

It is wiser to seek your own truth through personal experience, through living your life.

The trick is to pose the right questions of life. And, to get yourself and your beliefs out of the way so the answer can get to you. And be careful you do not discard it just because it conflicts with your 'chosen' beliefs.

In comparison to all the above, and all else that could be said, the greater reality is absurdly simple. You walk it. You live it. It just IS and it does not care what you call it, or what books you write about it. In much the same way as you look at a small child and smile as they put out carrots for the reindeer.
