View Full Version : NEW, blocked by a cold

18th October 2009, 09:51 PM

This weekend I've been quite ill because of a bad cold. I've felt coldness, muscle pain and some hard cough. When I've tried to "fix" it, or improved my health through the NEW system and the reiki, I've realized that all my energy system was "shutdown", so to say. I've been unable to practice even the most basic energy movements, and my reiki capabilities were also off.

So, in the end, I fixed it with lots of water, vitamin pills and some extra rest. But the question is, what's your trick to energy-work while ill?


18th October 2009, 11:10 PM

19th October 2009, 12:40 AM

This weekend I've been quite ill because of a bad cold. I've felt coldness, muscle pain and some hard cough. When I've tried to "fix" it, or improved my health through the NEW system and the reiki, I've realized that all my energy system was "shutdown", so to say. I've been unable to practice even the most basic energy movements, and my reiki capabilities were also off.

So, in the end, I fixed it with lots of water, vitamin pills and some extra rest. But the question is, what's your trick to energy-work while ill?

Thanks! I was going to say 'not to work on the specific part that's in trouble', but really, it depends on what the problem is. When I had the flu (I had the swine flu, BTW) I didn't even try to do NEW or anything like that, because I was so tired and involved with my illness (psychologically) that I didn't have the energy or focus to even try.
However, when I've had a cold before I've done sponging on the inside of my thighs. I read somewhere that it stimulates the immune system (something I wouldn't have done with the swine flu, for the reason that what kills people with it is the strong pulmonary imflammatory response -immune-)[if I would have even thought about it, of course] but I've done it with a cold and it has helped.
Last year I taught NEW to a friend, who had been recently diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes. (Not for that, she wanted to learn to project.) She reported to me that she used the sponging she learned on her 'affected areas', and the cancer soon went into remission. Now, she was under treatment, and there is no telling if what she did affected it in any way, but it helped her go through the process, and it obviously didn't hurt any.

So, I'd say that if doing it makes you feel worse, don't do it, but it has proved to be beneficial to me both for helping get rid of a cold, and for backaches too.