View Full Version : Throat Chakra

11th October 2009, 03:06 PM
The start of my dream is a little hazy, all i remember was that me and some other people were being attacked by guys in the mafia and they managed to injure my throat. Luckily for me I was with this really nice old black man (he looked like morgan freeman), he was my friend in the dream and he put his hand around my throat so he could heal my wound. He told me it was my chakra that was damaged and he was healing it. As soon as he put his hand on my throat i became lucid and everything went white. At first i saw the outline of negs and i began to get scared but i got the feeling like i shouldnt be so i looked past them and all of a sudden i felt like i was on a spaceship shooting through space, i saw lights that looked like stars flying past me and it felt like i was going a million miles an hour but i knew that i was just standing still and it was all in my head. At the end of the experience i asked him if he ever did that to himself and he said no because he was 2 scared.

Anyone know what this dream could mean?


11th October 2009, 05:44 PM
I'm thinking it was some initiation, and 'Morgan Freeman' (every time I think about him it gives me a good vibe) :D was a guide of some sort.

12th October 2009, 03:01 AM
how do u mean by initiation? i can tell u that before i went to sleep i was doing this throat friction excersise that i read in a book on how to open your third eye. However after having this dream kinda scared me from doing it cause in the dream it was like i had damaged it and it needed healing.

12th October 2009, 12:59 PM
Usually in 'initiations' you are given something and then it's up to you what you want to do with it. This is what I was reminded of when I read your post, but if you thought you injured it previously, maybe it wasn't; maybe your 'elder' figure was a healer archetype.

12th October 2009, 01:09 PM
nuh i dont think i injured it i was just doing throat chakra excersises the night before and thought it might of been a bad thing but i get the feeling that it could be as your saying, an initiation. Can i ask you what made u think that it was an initiation and also what do u think i was being given?

12th October 2009, 01:18 PM
Just the general feel of the scene.
And, I couldn't know what you were given, obviously something to do with the throat chakra, maybe some talent associated with it- maybe something about communication or some sort. You'll have to figure that out by yourself.