View Full Version : The Two Me's

11th October 2009, 12:15 AM
In my dream I was maybe...4 or 5 years of age, residing in my current home. Along with my parents, I was living with another boy my age until they suddenly asked something strange of me.

I was to pick up this other boy and throw him down the stairs repeatedly until death.

If I were awake, it would be clear that this was evil, but the dream's tone didn't send off that indicator; without much thought, I picked him up and threw him down the stairs until I eventually completed my task.

Afterwards were a blur of events, but I would later find something about that child; he was me.

In the dream, I was originally born with weak bones and heart, and was cloned with corrections to make me "perfect"; the end result was my dream's consciousness.

My parents had me murder myself....strange. Before the dream ended I went into the basement and looked at my old self’s belongings. Then and there I suddenly felt the disgust and horror that should've took hold when I did "the act".

I awoke with a mixed reaction; somewhat pleased to have an interesting dream not to be forgotten, but horrified that I had committed murder.

11th October 2009, 07:40 AM
SGW, did you look into the meaning of your dream for the here and now?