View Full Version : AP goggles

10th October 2009, 05:24 AM
K I got thinking - there's this device called the Novadreamer, which is a pair of goggles you wear to sleep with red lights on the inside which at a predetermined set time - flash, which in turn are supposed to induce an OBE through seeing the lights during a dream. I guess it works as an alarm in your unconscious to try and OBE.

While the novadreamer only uses lights, I was thinking maybe also there could be some sort of audio device also to wear to sleep which at a predetermined time, say 2 hours from the point of turning in to make sure you would be asleep for sure, would suddenly sound off at the same time as the lights in the goggles. So whatever dream your in you would all of a sudden see the lights and the audio saying "OBE NOW" or something. I don't know lol.

You people think this could work at all? I was thinking about getting a novadreamer but then saw how much they cost which is over 200 dollars!! which is a rip off. I also thought it would be more effective if there was an audio device attached to the goggles to double the effect which I dont believe the novadreamer has.

Anyone have any idea's with this? I was thinking of making one but don't really know how lol. Has anyone been able to use the novadreamer with success? pls tell of your thoughts on all this here. Anyone been able to make anything like this? ty.

10th October 2009, 02:54 PM
There are already devices that are made to strobe with the use of auditory binaural beats. If I wanted to spend the money, I'd get those.

10th October 2009, 03:59 PM
There are already devices that are made to strobe with the use of auditory binaural beats. If I wanted to spend the money, I'd get those.
Won't they cause a seizure?

10th October 2009, 05:34 PM
Won't they cause a seizure?
Generally only if you're already prone to seizures. And for what it's worth, binaural beats can trigger a seizure in vulnerable people, as well.

27th January 2012, 12:00 PM
Anyone else tried yet? (I see its a really old post).

27th January 2012, 02:34 PM
Anyone else tried yet? (I see its a really old post). No, I still don't want to spend the money.

28th January 2012, 12:15 AM
I've been looking at devices recently and haven't found much that seems tried and true enough to put money down on. CFT, which binaural device are you talking about? I'm not sure I've seen that yet.

I'm looking at a simple watch, can't remember who makes it right now, but it vibrates on a timer. I doubt I'll get much sleep with something on my head, just far too sensitive to things like that. I can barely do earplugs.

The trick for me is just finding a silent, vibrating alarm that I can control how long it goes off for. Most are made to vibrate until you wake and turn them off.

Since I'm only looking at this for lucid dreaming I still debate whether any money is worth it. Again, the higher self doesn't seem to like props and external dependencies. That thing is stubborn, at least with me it is.

"Do the work yourself or go home," seems to be its mantra.


28th January 2012, 03:09 AM
The one described on the OP. Any binaurals work with those, it's the lights that complete the effect.

29th January 2012, 01:54 AM
Sorry CFT, I'm a bit dense tonight after working all day and staring into a computer screen.

What's OP? (other post?) Original post.

