View Full Version : DID\MPD at death?

10th October 2009, 02:44 AM

I've been reading alot of stuff about MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder) and that started me to think about what would happen if a person with true MPD with 2 or more separate personalities was to die?

The way I see it: MPD is a case of mind where a person develops more then one points of consciousness. These points of consciouness are able to think for themselves and experience differant things and in addition are usually not aware of what the other personality does and does not have any access to memories gained by any of the other personalities.

So accourding to my logic, If such a person were to die all the seperate personalities would have a choice to integrate into the original point of consciousness or take a portion of the complete energy supply and start a completely separate "life". And also at the point of death would there be multiple "souls" or simply a complete soul that is still suffering the same condition?

What do you think?

I know this is a long shot, but have you ever stood(in energetic form) in the presence of such an occurence? And if you ever do pls let me know the outcome of the situation. I think this could be a viable subject for futher reseach to help and understand ppl with this condition better.

Thank you

Note: If you're interested, OW answered this here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16041&p=118155#p118155 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16041&p=118155#p118155)

Robert Bruce
12th March 2010, 05:12 AM

One of two things would happen....

1. the person would integrate and become one single personality, one spirit.

2. the person would fragment into many personalities, spirits.

What happened would depend greatly on the situation, and how severe the MPD

I have known people with mpd, but only living and not deceased.
