View Full Version : casting out & acute spirit invasion

9th October 2009, 04:23 AM
Hi Robert,

I have been in a sink or swim process with an acute spirit invasion for a couple years now.
It started out with them approaching me & then invading my 3rd eye like a corkscrew...they didn't seem malicious when they came (they seemed to think it was for good purpose), but as it became clear they didn't belong here & I started to order them out, it turned into an all out spiritual "warfare" upon me.

It has been like having a whole astral field occupying my 3rd eye and not just a spirit attachment (in fact when it first happened I encountered many "levels" & saw grids and "playing fields"...i just happen to not be astral traveling).

They have tried every spiritual means possible to kill me & shut my energy down. For the last year or so they have been strongly focused upon "demonic warfare" or possessing themselves with abusive spirits to attack me or attempt to "control me" or "make me move". They don't get anywhere with making me move, but they do succeed at harassing, blockaging, and assaulting.

Well, I am still here despite the warfare, and do not seem to be experiencing any "possession"...but I do experience very strong interference/blockaging with my thinking processes, senses, energies & especially my 3rd eye. It is more of an assault & battery & severe blockaging than a possession. It has been like implant warfare.

I am trying to become stronger at casting them out/banishing...
and also looking for some new tools to help them clear out of me (I don't think they know how to get out of attachment to me, nor get out of my system, and I don't think they want to be here even though some of them are very attached to & identified with the "warfare" upon me).

Can you suggest any casting out tools, prayers...or books, or healers?
I need some stronger methods to clear their implants/blockages and help them detach.
I am not strongly aligned with the Christian faith, and am aligned with many spiritual traditions, but I am open to Christian methods too.

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
12th March 2010, 04:41 AM

I take it as read that you have read my book, Practical psychic self-defense.

A new and better version will be out in September 2010.

I have two suggestions.

Sleep electrically grounded.

Ground yourself as much as possible during the day.

Do verbal affirmations for at least an hour per day....the more you do these the stronger the effect.

“I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

The above affirmation is charged and very effective.

Do not make the mistake of not considering these two simple countermeasures in favor of something more complex and dramatic, because you cannot see how they work. These are the most powerful countermeasures.

I also suggest an LBRP morning and night. This takes practice. See the back of my book for a simple version, or check online for the full version.
