View Full Version : Energy Healing in a Dream / Skydiving

Palehorse Redivivus
6th October 2009, 06:18 PM
I had a lot more than the average dream recall last night, but what sticks out is one where I was hanging out with a friend, and (I think, though I don't know the guys) a few of the members of a band she's in. We started talking about dreaming, and (amusingly enough) I mentioned that I'd had a lot of trouble with lack of dreaming and 3rd eye phenomena in general. She said "well, let me see what I can do," and did some healing work. I felt some extremely unpleasant stuff being pulled out through my crown, but after it was gone, increased clarity within the dream. I woke up feeling like something had indeed changed in that area.

There was another one where I went skydiving, and the parachute didn't open. Surprisingly calm, I managed to rip the bag open by hand, pull the chute out and sort of throw it up in the air, where it alternated between flapping with me in freefall, and catching air so I could float. I continued falling for a lot longer than I was expecting, meanwhile wondering whether I was going to end up injured, dead or manage a soft landing, but still pretty matter-of-fact about it. Finally after spending even longer waiting for impact, I put my feet down on what had looked like the ground far below, but actually was a miniature landscape that I was apparently hovering over by that point. "Well... that was anticlimactic." o_O Heh.

6th October 2009, 06:26 PM
Sounds like an old kid's movie "Spy Kids" 2 or 3. Hee hee. You projected to a movie.

Palehorse Redivivus
6th October 2009, 06:41 PM
Actually I think I projected into a videogame, lol...

After I landed, I realized that what had looked like fields, were little tile patterns, and I was standing next to Link from the Zelda games, though he was in white rather than green (and looked like the oldschool 8 bit Nintendo graphics, but life sized, rather than a real person). I ended up in some sort of clearing, sitting on one of a circle of mushrooms, while someone in the middle that I'm pretty sure wasn't human was giving what seemed like a lecture on using the warp whistle. (In the first Zelda game, there was a flute you'd use to summon a whirlwind that would teleport you to various places on the map). There was also a blobby creature sitting nearby, where the idea seemed to be that you'd toss something at it which it would eat, but then spit out something better. Reminds me of a critter in the same game that would swallow you and keep your shield if you got too close, though it didn't look the same and I didn't make that connection in the dream.

At first it seemed like the parachuting segment had segued into random nonsensical cartoony stuff, but as more details filled in over the course of today, I've began to wonder if there was something like a lesson on the themes of various sorts of travel, and manifestation, that I've been working on lately.

Now that I think of it there's even a sync between my friend and Link, as she's had her ears modded into elf-points IRL (which he has too). :lol:

Seemingly eventful night in any case. :shock:

Neil Templar
6th October 2009, 11:25 PM
Woah! Sounds incredibly similar to last nights hot-air balloon dream I had.
Looking down on this multi coloured tiled landscape, I soon had the realization that it was fields and vegetation I was looking at.
I had moments of crazy vertigo as I realized the balloon and basket were hanging at about a 20 degree angle to the ground. Then it became like a video game, as I tried to correct the angle, as well as the thrust of the hot air going into the balloon.
The reason I'd gone into the balloon in the first place was cos I'd seen an object in the night sky which looked like an angel, diving head-first towards the earth.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread PH.:-)

6th October 2009, 11:50 PM
Link seems like a pretty interesting dream character to have. So many different possible interpretations with him! Just his name alone could be significant in so many ways contextually. :D

Doesn't Link turn white after getting an upgrade to his armor in the first game?

Palehorse Redivivus
7th October 2009, 12:23 AM
By all means hijack away, lol...

It's cool in another sense, because its been coming up a lot lately that it's important for me to be "networking." I've been keeping an eye out for opportunities and whatnot, but given a possible visit with one friend and shared symbolism with another, it seems lime my subby may be starting to do some networking of its own. :P


The reason I'd gone into the balloon in the first place was cos I'd seen an object in the night sky which looked like an angel, diving head-first towards the earth.

After that dream, later today I stumbled on this pic which seemed synchronistic (and may be for you too) which I'll link rather than display beause it's enormous...

http://www.thought-full-art.com/images/ ... 0faith.jpg (http://www.thought-full-art.com/images/leap%20of%20faith.jpg)

So many different possible interpretations with him! Just his name alone could be significant in so many ways contextually.

That halfway occurred to me; maybe it has something to do with the whole "networking" theme too. Hmmm.

Doesn't Link turn white after getting an upgrade to his armor in the first game?

Y'know, I could've sworn I half remembered a white Link somewhere in that game, but its been so long that I wasn't sure. Wonder if that means anything in itself, tho.

Palehorse Redivivus
9th October 2009, 12:54 AM
My brother just posted this on his FB page, lol... Sync! :P

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGehSw5 ... r_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGehSw5ht8&feature=player_embedded)

It's not real apparently, but duuuude... if someone doesn't make that movie, I'll do it myself by god. It must be done. *decrees!*