View Full Version : Questions about curious results from NEW sessions

5th October 2009, 02:28 PM
Hello, i recently started NEW energy practices and had experienced some curious results lately.
- The first time i tried it, i had trouble establishing awareness in my hands and feet, noticing substantial energy blockages occuring in my right foot and left thigh
- The following day after using NEW i felt buzzing energy sensesations all throughout my hands and feet
- Last night i did a second, slightly more "aggressive", NEW session. In this particular session i concentrated especially on bringing awareness into areas that i felt significant resistance. Though it took me around 45 minuetes to accomplish, i finially broke through. (right foot, left thigh). The sensations i experienced were extremely unique. I followed the prestimulation of my feet/legs and hands/arms with a full body circut.
- During the full body circut i found that i encountered massive resistance when attempting to move energy up thru my legs into my sub-navel. I really had to mentally exert myself. I did not however have any problems moving energy down thru my arms.
- After the session i experienced an incredible rush of energy to my head. My entire head was buzzing, pulsating, etc. I had some trouble getting to sleep. When i woke this morning i felt a bit hung-over, as if i had pounded too much liqour the night before. I think ill take today off and concentrate on my studies and so on.

My questions are:- Is the energy rush to the head a normal occurance, just like the body adjusting to new energy movements?
- I read that some suggest to start with downward energy movements, i find this mabye to be suited for me as im encountering incredible resistance when i try to go up; is there a tutorial online for preforming downward energy movements?

5th October 2009, 02:55 PM
My questions are:- Is the energy rush to the head a normal occurance, just like the body adjusting to new energy movements?
Yep :)

The sensations should decrease with time, but they won’t disappear. I remember that my sensations after I first did NEW work on my legs were quite extreme and affected me in many ways. They were one of the strongest energy sensations I have felt so far, and it was 6-7 years ago. :)

5th October 2009, 06:06 PM
To add to that, it's ok to do NEW at times where it won't interfere with your sleepytime, as the rush/perk-up is common.

One of the reasons that NEW is taught from the bottom-up is that most people do too much third-eye work when they work from the top down, and neglect the root chakra, causing even more of the types of side effects you describe.

Aunt Clair has taught me some things she does along with NEW (and there is a thread here that illustrates it somewhere) that is basically something like: (My adaptation to what she taught):
Do chakra breathing from the top down, starting at the crown and working your way down the chakras (chakra breathing: Inhale visualizing the air coming in through the crown, exhale coming out through the third eye. On each inhale the air comes in through the crown, and out the next chakra). This cleanses them and prepares them for the work ahead.

Then on to NEW:
Tertiaries (meaning skin (brushing) from the feet up the legs.
Then on to secondaries (sponging/energy ball work) up said legs.
Then tertiaries and secondaries up the trunk and arms.
Then primary work, starting at the base chakra, up to the crown.

But wait, there's more!
Finish with a bucket of fresh, clean elemental water, pouring it down your crown (again) cooling, cleansing and refreshing everything as it goes down.
Finish the finish as you feel the 'water' trickle out your feet going deep into the ground.

See if this helps.
As this just added a good ten minutes to your routine, I'd advise doing it in the afternoon or morning, not before bedtime.

5th October 2009, 09:00 PM
Thank you for the responses. Ill use these strategies today. I imagine this has been asked before so im sorry if i sound repetitive but how often should energy work be preformed on a daily basis when first starting out? are there set guildlines are should it be judged based on individual preferences?

5th October 2009, 10:17 PM
Individual preferences, but no more than 5 minutes per body part. (IIRC).

6th October 2009, 06:55 PM
how often should energy work be preformed on a daily basis when first starting out?

CFT's suggestion is what I had always gone by until I had done NEW regularly for a few months and felt more comfortable doing more. If you're still unsure, pay attention to your body's signals - when I first started out, I noticed that overdoing NEW on any area would cause an energetic "soreness" there. It was a feeling that was more subtle than, but strikingly similar to, what you get after over-stressing a physical muscle while working out. You may get a different kind of signal, so I would advise just setting your intention to be open to whatever indications your body might give.

6th October 2009, 08:51 PM
Most of the reasons I go by the 5 minute rule (at least at the beginning) is that when people have a problem area and concentrate on it, (and get strong sensations), when they finally move along to the next part and not get strong sensations, they tend to stay on that second part and think that it's a problem, and burn out before they've gone through the whole session, and then end up not following through.
I prefer you do a certain amount of time on one part and move on, regardless of whether you're 'satisfied' with the results, because sooner or later you will learn (as Seeuzin did) when to spend more time and when to keep going- part of the training is to learn when to do stuff and when to keep going.

So at first, follow the 5 min. max rule, and eventually you'll develop an intuition about this.

7th October 2009, 12:53 AM
Thanks alot for the insightful replies. Ya ill stick to the five minuete rule. My headache, or head rush that is, has subsided significantly. Now when i stimulate my hands,feet,legs and arms i only get slight sensations in my head. Ive thought about establishing a schedule where i raise in the morning and do stimulation work in the afternoon and night. Is that excessive for a beginner or should i just wait and see how my body responds.

7th October 2009, 01:07 PM
It's ok to split them. Your body will tell you if it's excessive.