View Full Version : Feeling Groovy

Neil Templar
2nd October 2009, 11:38 AM
8) this was nice..

i'm walking around a zoo. it's deserted.
the sun is setting, the sky is pink. it's warm and i feel good.
the light is beautiful. i can almost taste the air, it's sweet!
i hear Simon and Garfunkel singing, dada da da da da da feeling groovy..
then i see them, standing in one of the enclosures, performing.
there's no audience. it's like they're filming a music video or something. they take no notice of me as i watch. they just keep on singing.
i walk around a bit more. completely empty zoo.
i notice i have no shoes. a vague thought of trying to get lucid passes thru my mind.
i see rope-nets hanging, and jump from the step i'm standing on, to grab on and start climbing.
i must be in the monkey enclosure.
Simon and Garfunkel keep singing.
where are all the animals???

2nd October 2009, 01:04 PM
Now the song is going to be stuck in my head all day. Which could be a good thing.