View Full Version : Dreaming OBE problems

28th September 2009, 12:41 PM
Hi Robert,
I need your help, today I had 3 astral projections but I'm very confused.

I found myself lucid in my body. I try to go out with success. I found myself in my house but is dark and ghostly.
I try to raise energy to become more lucid ,but I can breathe (!?). I walk trough my house (I don't fly). I find another me that is laughing at me. I decide to go back to my body.
I find myself another time in the trance state. I go out another time but it's always dark :( I cannot fly or go out my house. I go back to my body.
Another time I'm in the trance state! I try another time and I go out! Nothing, always dark and ghostly. This time I go out my house but it's scarying and dark; I decide is enough. I feel I have nomore energy.
I feel I'm in the trance state but I move one of my feet and go out the trance state.

This is not the first time that happens and I'm always stuck in this dark environment. I think I never see really the real time zone. I think I found myself one time direct in the astral but no more. I think this time was a dream of an OBE.

Have you got an idea what this experience can be and what I could do to overcome this problem?

Thank you for your help.

ps: I'm in day 19 of MAP

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 04:23 PM

you are doing very well.

Make firm commands when you get out 'give me light!' and repeat as necessary.

This will restore light.
