View Full Version : False Awakening: MAP Day 11

27th September 2009, 01:31 PM
Day 11 on MAP involved activating sensation on the spine which didn't go too well for me. I really couldn't feel much. With that in mind i went to bed thinking about how to get more sensations on my back.

At some point i dozed off laying on my right side.I'm not too sure how long i was asleep but i was woken up by the kind of brushing sensations that i get when doing MBA. The sensations were much much more intense than when i am awake doing MBA, so much so that it actually woke me up a little bit. It almost felt like someone was touching my back it felt so real.

I was half awake and half asleep watching the sensation go up and down my back and i heard a voice, which sounded like my own, say, "there is someone behind you".This freaked me out a bit so i jumped out of bed to go turn on the light.Only thing was the lamp wasnt where it normally is and when i went to flick the switch it wouldnt turn on.

When the light wouldnt turn on i realized i must be dreaming and pretty much just stood there saying "OK, i'm friggin dreaming right now, what do i do now, what do i do now" HAHA, i'm an idiot. That is the last thing i remember before waking up.