View Full Version : My Stepdad says, "Goodbye."

26th September 2009, 11:35 AM
My stepdad, at the end of prolonged illness and at the age of 81, died last Sunday.

On Thursday, just before waking, I had a dream. I was walking with my him and my mum and siblings outside their house (in another state) and we were dressed nicely, heading off for some event. I walked in front of Les and he put his hands on my shoulders so I turned my head back to kiss him on the cheek. At this point I really felt his hands on my shoulder and my lips make contact with his cheek. He said to me, "I have to go now," and I realised we were walking to his funeral.

I woke up happy that we had said our goodbyes because we hadn't done it in the physical but when I wrote it in my dream diary the tears came copiously. In fact I cried more that day than the previous days. People had asked me, "Did you like him?" and I had said, "Yes, I liked him a lot," but it was the dream that enabled me to say what I really feel, "Yes, I loved him."

His youngest son told me that Les had announced his passing to him in a dream.

26th September 2009, 11:41 AM
Goodbye, Les. You had good innings, mate.

I have a story a bit like tis, regarding my former father-in-law. I had no idea he even really liked me (actually, I thought he didn't), but he came to say goodbye and make peace with me. I still get tears when I think of it (which makes me immediately picture my former FIL laughing at me for being "all girly" :)).

26th September 2009, 12:57 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss, peace and blessings to the family.

Palehorse Redivivus
26th September 2009, 03:19 PM
I'm sorry BK... very cool about the dreams though. Good journeys, Les!

Neil Templar
27th September 2009, 12:14 PM
what a nice story BK.
i'm sorry for the family's loss, but i'm glad you got to have that moment with him.