View Full Version : Dream of Indigo Children?

25th September 2009, 02:05 AM
I know that, not being my dream and me having little knowledge of it, this may hold no merit. I just found it interesting, and forgot to ask about it later. That, and I wasn't sure how the teacher would take my curiosity anyway.

Yesterday at the beginning of Spanish class, our professor - she is new to the school this semester - asked about dreams. It was some activity in the textbook, like how often do you dream, and are they mundane or interesting. Well we went through talking about it, and she shared with us as well. She said she dreamed most nights (or all - I'm not sure) and that her recent one had been strange, about many children with bright blue eyes and three of them at that.

This made me think of indigo children, and I don't know why I didn't say anything. Maybe I thought she wouldn't know, or maybe we just moved on to the next topic. But it was interesting to me, being that they say most indigo children have those piercing blue eyes and have more access to their third eye. I was thinking maybe the three eyes showed this fact in the dream. That, or this means nothing at all. I just found it interesting, and liked that the textbook somehow gave us a reason to talk about dreams for five minutes >.<

Neil Templar
25th September 2009, 11:50 AM
wouldn't it be great if the first 30 mins of school was dedicated to the pupils recounting their dreams of the past night?!
teach them good dream recall, get them interested, and possibly speed up the spiritual growth of the entire spectrum of society..
while we're at it, a 30 min morning meditation wouldn't go amiss either.. :wink:
sounds like an hour well spent to me!

25th September 2009, 02:17 PM
I think that would be absolutely AMAZING and I would wish that my teachers had done that with me when I was younger! If they started, I think I would actually be a little envious, just a little :P

Neil Templar
25th September 2009, 04:02 PM
kinda makes you wanna become a teacher just to do it eh?!