View Full Version : Pre-cognition or programming?...

Neil Templar
23rd September 2009, 05:00 PM
this morning i dreamed i was trying to get money out of a bank machine, but my card was broken in two pieces.
i had a sticker on it to hold it together, but the machine would not accept it. i even tried putting the two parts in at the same time, but of course, no go.
at the time i was thinking, this must be a message to let me know that even tho tomorrow(today) is pay-day, i shouldn't try to get any cash out, or i won't be able to get any out for some reason.

so, today i went out, and went to the bank machine. as soon as i got there, brain-fart!
i couldn't remember my pin number. i could vaguely remember which part of the keypad my numbers were at, but there was some sort of blockage in my memory. i tried 3 times, and failed 3 times. my card got blocked. i went to my bank and they un-blocked it, and again i tried, sure i had the number correct. NOPE!

so tonight i have to look around and see if i can find the number among my paperwork..

so, i wonder, was this a moment of pre-cognition? or did that dream trigger some kind of self deception, to make the dream seem pre-cognitive?
i mean, i know i'd find it really cool if i was having a pre-cognitive dream, so did i do that to myself to make it so? :?

whatever, it's quite frustrating.

23rd September 2009, 05:37 PM
I'd go one step deeper into it: Could there be a reason why you shouldn't get the money out?

Neil Templar
23rd September 2009, 06:45 PM
only if the Universe doesn't want me to pay my debts or my rent. :lol:

24th September 2009, 03:26 PM

Neil Templar
24th September 2009, 03:47 PM
Tim, insightful indeed.
the card was in two equal halves.

here in "real" life, a situation is unfolding, and as yet uncertain, as it's taking some time and depends on quite a few factors.
my workplace, like most others, is feeling the crunch. the bank has told them they can have no more money until they make some major cutbacks.

a worrying time for most, at best.
fortunately, as ever, the Universe is on my side.

in August, i told my bosses that i intend to leave sometime next year, to follow another path.(what that is i'm still unsure. i just feel the strong need to be moving on..)
we made a new contractual agreement (i'm on a binding lifetime contract. the Netherlands is a wonderful place where the employees have more right than the employer at times) i stated that i would work until July next year. they cannot push me out before then, no matter how bad things get. the law is on my side! :wink:

as this year's raise, instead of money, i've asked for a laptop. they can save money by signing it off as a tax expense, everyone wins!

a few weeks ago, they approached me, asking if i'd be willing to leave earlier than agreed.
they want me to leave by end of Nov this year. they're offering the laptop plus a fairly large amount of CASH.

now i have some stuff to think about. do i take the offer, and try to work out some new employment? i've been toying with the idea of going freelance, doing tech work here and there, djing, making music, all the stuff i enjoy but don't have time to do... or...

do i take the money, with my last month's wage, go spend some time with family and friends back in Scotland, then go traveling round Asia?
this is something i've wanted to do for many years and never managed to save up for.

seems to me the Universe is giving me a dream on a plate.
i've got some opportunities of some cash-in-hand work while i'm back in the UK, to top up the reserves.
i could have enough to happily spend a year or two in Asia. :D 8)
learn to dive, meditate with monks, volunteer to work with elephants and street kids, visit Angkor Wat etc...

i told my bosses i'll take their offer. i'm just waiting for them to get back to me to tell me it's happening...

an uncertain future has never been so exciting!!!

25th September 2009, 04:35 PM

Neil Templar
25th September 2009, 04:59 PM

as usual it is your grace blessed attitude that lands you on your feet. kudos brother.

Cheers Bro.
indeed i consider myself blessed. grateful for the abundance bestowed upon me.
i've never really had much, but i've always had what i want.
life is good.
all-ways... :D

28th September 2009, 01:14 PM

as usual it is your grace blessed attitude that lands you on your feet. kudos brother.

Cheers Bro.
indeed i consider myself blessed. grateful for the abundance bestowed upon me.
i've never really had much, but i've always had what i want.
life is good.
all-ways... :D

I hear that!