View Full Version : Something I've been wondering about

21st September 2009, 07:26 PM
I used to get picked up by Astral/Solar Wind all the time. From the early 2000s to around 2006, I was blown away all the time. Then, it stopped. Later on in 2007 or 8 (I'll have to look it up) I tried to go to the moon (something I used to do quite often, without any consequences) and I found that I couldn't leave the earth's atmosphere. In many posts we talked about a barrier, and I wondered about that. Then I started to phase to the astral more often, and I do it more than anything else. I assumed this was 'personal development' and not related to anything cosmic or collective, until I read others' accounts of encountering barriers (and all kinds of theories on why, which I won't get into for now.)
Anyway, I was perusing other venues, when I ran into this. I frequent UC fairly often, yet somehow I'd missed it before, so I'll quote a part of it.
This may be grasping at straws, but here's what I'm thinking:

Gibson and her colleagues focused instead on another process by which the Sun discharges energy, by analyzing high-speed streams within the solar wind that carry turbulent magnetic fields out into the solar system. When those streams blow by Earth, they intensify the energy of the planet's outer radiation belt. This can create serious hazards for weather, navigation, and communications satellites that travel at high altitudes within the outer radiation belts, while also threatening astronauts in the International Space Station. Auroral storms light up the night sky repeatedly at high latitudes as the streams move past.

But it's over for now: New observations show that the winds have finally slowed, almost two years after sunspots reached the levels of last cycle's minimum.

I wonder if this 'barrier' is electrical in nature, and if it is, I wonder if it's gone now. I wonder if Astral Wind will become prevalent again- it'll be interesting to see if there is any connection-at all.

22nd September 2009, 01:34 AM
That is really interesting.

22nd September 2009, 01:49 AM
An interesting series of experiments could be conducted. If you convince yourself that the solar wind was the sole cause of the barrier, perhaps reaching the moon again will be easier. If not, the reason is due to something else. If partially successful, then the energized radiation band may be a contributing factor but not the whole culprit.

On a side note, the radiation band was a grave concern for early spaceflights. It was hypothesized that it would be impossible to shield astronauts from it sufficiently to keep them safe. Some moon hoax naysayers still say it is impossible to pass alive.