View Full Version : Negative experiences holding me back

16th September 2009, 10:00 PM
Hi everybody, i'm new to this forum so apologies if i'm asking a question asked millions of times previously :?

Basically, i've been projecting for a long time now and luckily i don't *usually* have problems getting 'out'. The problems occur when i actually get there, despite me thinking as positively and as happily as possible, i always seem to attract negative energies. this is something that has really hindered my progression and exploration. Is there a reason this is happening? I've stopped projecting now, and haven't done it for a year or so - i really want to get back what i used to have, but i know that each time i get out, 'they' are there waiting for me! I know it sounds paranoid but i've kind of come to the conclusion that they are just waiting for me to project, and pounce on me (litrally!) when i'm there. I'll give you a couple of examples of the types of negative experiances.

once, after i'd successfully projected, everything had gone smoothly but before i opened my astral eyes, i could sense a dark grey misty presance, very heavy and formidable. It jumped ontop of me and started to, what i can only describe and 'slobber' on my neck whilst making growley gurgling noises. its hard to explain but this being was very entertained at my expense, it enjoyed knowing how much it was frightening me. I quickly ordered myself back to my body and after a moments sleep paralysis i was awake.

Another example was i 'awoke' in the astral in some sort of boarding school dorm room. very simple and bare (the room, not me, lol) there were to pretty blonde girls also in the room with me, they didnt address me directly, they just gossiped about me saying "she shouldnt be here, its not allowed, shes going to be in so much trouble" and carried on like that, making me feel as if something awful was going to happen to me because i'd projected. they too were also s♥♥♥♥♥♥ing and enjoying the fact that i was frightened.

any ideas?
what can i do? i've tried all sorts, and have read and re-read many astral projection books, whilst the techniques contained used to do the trick, all the advice doesnt seem to work anymore for me. Am i broken? lol :(

Any help would be really appreciated, thank you :)


16th September 2009, 10:30 PM
Hi Pixie. I believe you may suffering from "Dweller on the Threshold", something that is associated with a partial projection and energy feedback causing the negative experiences. To test for this, I suggest that instead of aborting your projection, get really brave and go towards the figure. Chances are it's a reintegration problem.
BTW, I've had the second experience you describe, and in my experience (at least) it was just self-aspects that were realizing I was aware in the middle of a 'lesson'. A lot of these types of things happen at times, and what has worked for me after much soul-searching, is approach it as an experiment, with curiosity, and usually the experience turns around.
If you are still not sure you feel good about this I'd recommend some basic clearing before projecting, a salt shower before, and maybe casting a circle or saying a prayer before attempting projection.