16th September 2009, 10:20 AM
Hi Robert,

I've been having about 20 years of psychic attack(I am a 35 year old woman).In this lifetime,it was triggered by a curse of a family member for something that was not my fault.After years or searching,I have been receiving several years of great healing in london but now after years of breaking countless curses that were made on me throughout the lifetimes(it appears I have been trapped in a cycle of either being cursed or cursing others throughout my lifetimes)that the "core curse"was actually directed to my soul.My healer can clairvoyanly see that it is my very soul(soul DNA if you like)that has been cursed and it happened from a very early stage,if not near the very beginning,ie when we fragmented as consciousness.It appears that all my human incarnations(which run into hundreds)I have had this core curse and so can never have been at peace or happy(and I can testify this has happened in this life).Clairvoyantly it appears to look almost as if the original curse is like basket weave throughout my soul.However the energies involved are not letting me go and my healer friend and I are under alot of psychic attack.

I had always assumed that the very soul essence of a person is perfect,no matter how much past life or ancestral karma we carry.It appears different in my case,we have come across something that neither of us expected.Moreover,the energies involved are the darkest in the universe.I also appear to be in some kind of grid of darkness used by these energies,in which many people appear to be.

My healer is trying to clear whatever comes our way,either the curse stuff or the grid stuff(the energies involved appear to be the same so weakening one weakens the other).I just want to ask you can you help?Have you ever heard anything like this happen before.I am training to be a medical doctor and I know if I can be free of this I can do so much good.I am in torment.

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 04:11 PM

my best advice is to focus on electrically grounding yourself, particularly during sleep.

see http://www.sleepingearthed.com

set yourself up so you sleep well earthed.

I also suggest you use verbal affirmations 'a lot'.

Core Affirmation: “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.”

this is written specifically to heal the self and free it of negative influences.

Say this aloud for at least a couple of hours per day. The more you do this the faster will be the results.

I also suggest a mainly raw organic diet.

get a copy of my book, Practical psychic self defense, and read the articles on my Psychic Security section, on my website.
