View Full Version : lucid dreamer

16th September 2009, 07:56 AM
It took me a while before I decided to try this "medicine" (made in china)...
I had a feeling about 2 days ago that I had to take it last night because I was going to succeed, it is silly but I even went to bed at 9pm two nights ago to make sure I would not be tired... it worked !!
I took two pills last night and had my first lucid dream..
I was in a hotel room, my room was huge, it was like a corridor with plenty of doors, I visited the room (looks more like a flat), everything was switched on so I had to switch everything off, there was a hifi there, pff the sound was amazing !
I then somehow had to find my boss, he was sleeping in another room and I needed to talk to him. I went in the corridor, tried to find his room but had to go through the main lobby, got in a lift and ended up with a few colleagues, we went to the 6th floor, but the lift kept going up and up and up, I was a bit scared and one colleague tried to comfort me but then I said "I'm silly, I can control this, I just need to stop the lift" didn't work.. I then told them to hold themselves really tight, I was going to make the lift go horizontally and stop it in the corridor ..it worked !
I continued my search, ended up in front of a door and thought "ouah, I'm in a dream, I don't need to open the door, I can get through !"
that's when it became really amazing because I was trying to get through, I expected to be able to do that just like a ghost but it was much more difficult than that ! my arms went through but to what I recall, the door was deforming itself , I then tried to get my head through and I remember shouting "you must remember this when you wake up, it feels like it's buzzing, I feel nauseous, yak I hate this feeling"
I then pull backwards and opened the door the normal way !!
I went on looking for my boss and I remember thinking that I was going to stop this because it was boring !!
I woke up at 3.45am and was so excited about it that I never managed to fall asleep again
I do have two comments on this experience though,
it's was really nice to be able to control the dream but it's still just a dream...
I quickly started to lose details on what happened as opposed to obe
and, assuming I'm using the word "real" as most people would understand it, it was not real, it's more like fuzzy.
It might be because it was my first lucid dream but I'm wondering why people ask if they had a lucid dream or an OBE because an OBE is indistinguishible from "reality" , I am 3 dimensional, made of matter etc...
could it be due to the "memory recall effect "
I do have another question about something which happened to me when I was 6, I do remember it just as if it were yesterday. I was quite ill, in bed and was somehow awaken and sat down on my bed (nightime), I saw 4 men in the sky, they were big! they were dressed up just like george washington used to be. I have no idea why but I was at the time convinced they were american high rank from 1780-1800...(I had NO idea of what the american history was like as I was learning to read and write..american history is told much later at school here in Europe)
one of them was looking at me and pointing me with his index, it freaked me out liked mad, they all had deep voices and seemed to be angry, they spoke english, I therefore understood absolutely nothing of what they were saying. I can still remember the "guy" pointing his finger and I remember he had this white curly hair, white blouse and red jacket. Their legs were half transparent
could this be an astral projection ?
Third and last thing, as energy is an important variable in OBE, muslims will pray tonight, it's like 1 billion people praying tonight, there will be an overlap when they will all be praying at the same time. I was wondering if this could have a positive impact on "energy" and would somehow make an obe exit easier ...if someone understands me ...BRAVO !