View Full Version : Question about possession by negs

15th September 2009, 02:47 AM
I was fascinated by your account of how you camped in the wilderness over a spring, and were thereby freed from the negative entity that siezed control of you when you tried to help the boy who was possessed. My question is, was the young boy healed when the neg left him and entered into you?

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 03:50 PM

Negs are notorious liars and deceivers.

I do not know if the neg left the boy while I was struggling with the neg, because I was preoccupied with my own survival, for the few weeks I was invaded. But the neg remained with the boy, and this continues today.

It became clear to me after this event that the boy was hopelessly addicted to this neg.

This boy is now a man aged 26. He lives a troubled life.
