View Full Version : Bigger/stronger Negs - bigger attachments!

14th September 2009, 05:52 PM

I was wondering thAt i'ff its possible for smaller neg type enities to attach toe humans it should be possible for bigger/stronger type entities toe attach toe arreas.
I live in a private dormitary with aprox 5000 (might be less) but since I started praying I sence I big type of spider hanging over the entire Complex(whitch is big). This might be my imagnation but the more I started praying the more angry it got(cold shivers ect...). If that makes sence. I only realised its presence when I started praying for peace in the area ect...

Any advice appreciated

14th September 2009, 06:20 PM
You may have seen an egregore. I can see that happening in a dorm. I wouldn't worry about it, how you disengage from one is becoming aware of what it is.