View Full Version : Exit sensations?

12th September 2009, 06:47 PM
Hi.Last night i set up my alarm for 2am<that's 4 hours of sleep>then i spent 1hour waking myself up.Then fully awake i tried to astral project.At some point i blacked out for a sec and woke up with my heart beating fast<not racing though> also i couldn't breath.I mean making myself breath would have meant breaking the trance.I kept telling myself stay calm it's just exit sensations.and i succeeded or at least i thought i did because after a while i could breath and my body was still heavy but nothing more happened.
So my question is was that exit sensations or just physical discomfort caused by long time spent breathing in a specific way?<i was trying to exit for an hour and a half>
Has anyone experienced or heard of this sort of sensations?
It would be nice to know if i'm actually getting somewhere or just trying too hard.Thanks

12th September 2009, 08:36 PM
The heart chakra thing yes, the no-breathing no. Since you clicked out, there's no way to tell.
However, I'd recommend setting your alarm to 6 hours sleep and then wake up, to avoid clicking out.

14th September 2009, 01:12 PM
Funny thing you should suggest 6-hour sleep.I actually came to the same conclusion and woke up at 4am last night,even before i read your advice.Still no success though.
I think you are right about no-breathing.I noticed that in my case trying for over an hour sometimes causes that.
Your knowledge of this sort of things is impressive.thanks