View Full Version : Sea Salt energy self-attunement
9th September 2009, 10:21 PM
To begin with, I should say that I have not tried this yet: it was something that got my attention and I immediately wanted to post a link to it here ...
... because if it does work the way I think it does, it could go a long way to helping people here, especially in the psychic self defense forum. It is a self-attunement file, so you just read it and it tells you how to call in the energies. It just seems so much more convenient than having to get into an actual bath tub with several pounds of actual sea salt, to work with the energies normally received through a salt bath.
10th September 2009, 01:59 AM
Thank you Tom.
Believe it or not, I had a dream about two years ago that involved some sort of sea salt attunement- so this post really spoke to me.
I'm going to try it tonight, and I'll let you know if anything interesting happens.
16th September 2009, 12:29 AM
Thank you Tom. I tried it, and felt some energies that felt "harsh" and healing at the same time - it stung in a way that reminded me of the feeling of putting salt water on a fresh cut. Mostly this feeling was in my palms and soles of my feet, but it was also present in different parts of my torso at different times. I stayed in bed for 35 minutes letting the attunement run most of its course before getting up.
This was really cool, though I wonder if I should have gotten up so soon. CFT, if you try it, would you mind writing back with whether you experienced anything similar?
To verify that it wasn't my imagination, I'm going to try channeling the energy of sea salt to a sensitive friend of mine with fibromyalgia who usually enjoys salt baths, and see if it brings her any relief. If it's okay with her, I'll channel the energy without specifying what it is aside from letting her know it has a positive quality, in order to not color her perceptions. I'll see what she reports and post the results here.
16th September 2009, 01:39 AM
It is a relief to know there are people who like this self-attunement. I tried it and also had a distinct feeling of sea salt, drawing out negativity. A couple of times I was in a really bad mood when I activated it. Actually, in general I'm not sure what to do with it.
Palehorse Redivivus
16th September 2009, 08:48 PM
I asked for an attunement to this, though at the time I was preoccupied and not as focused on it as I should've been... so it felt like I got something, but I'd rather do it when I can devote the attention. Being attuned to the energy of sea salt is an intriguing idea in any case, as I already know it's got some pretty nifty energetic properties.
One thing that occurred to me... navel chakra, associated with water element, and in my experience tends to behave that way.
Neg interference -- usually tends to target the emotions (which are of course tied into the navel) in some form.
So since salt seems to have such a potent effect, the train of thought I was kicking around was something along the lines of using this attument to salinate the "waters" of the navel chakra... in theory affording a measure of protection, and otherwise taking advantage of the energetic benefits of sea salt.
Have played with the idea a little, but haven't seen enough feedback to know whether I'm onto something or not. Might give others something to play with, tho?
In any case I'm diggin' the attunements you keep posting, Tom. :)
17th September 2009, 10:55 PM
The results of trying to channel this energy to my friend were cool. I said mentally "I pray that the energy of sea salt fills me for Robin's healing." Then my hands started to get warm, more warm than just body heat. She felt the warmth too. Pretty neat. I'd like to post for the benefit of this forum what kind of energy she and I received, but I can't say with certainty. It sure felt good though!
So since salt seems to have such a potent effect, the train of thought I was kicking around was something along the lines of using this attument to salinate the "waters" of the navel chakra... in theory affording a measure of protection, and otherwise taking advantage of the energetic benefits of sea salt.
Have played with the idea a little, but haven't seen enough feedback to know whether I'm onto something or not.
My impression on this is that it'd work quite well, you'd just have to ground out the old saltwater energy every now and then and then replace it with fresh in order to keep the benefit...kind of like how once you absorb negative energy into physical salt, you generally don't use the salt for the same purpose again.
Might give others something to play with, tho?
For sure! Thank you for this idea, I'm going to try it.
29th September 2009, 07:11 PM
Neg interference -- usually tends to target the emotions (which are of course tied into the navel) in some form.
In my case I feel the actual deed being perpertrated within my solar plexus or my navel. Either or. Been fighting off full panic attacks just recently - I hate those things!
2nd October 2009, 02:16 AM
having trouble opening the original posts file =( , does someone have it or another link to it???
2nd October 2009, 02:18 AM
It opens fine for me, however it's a pdf file (download).
2nd October 2009, 02:23 AM
If you are not using at least version 5 of Adobe Reader you will not be able to open it. The current version is 9 point something, so you might want to upgrade anyway if you haven't.
2nd October 2009, 02:33 AM
kk, i was at 9 and upgraded, am gonna reinstall adobe and see if that fixes it, says the file is or got corrupted, but that could all be on my end somehow
2nd October 2009, 02:42 AM
It might be faster to try downloading the pdf again first?
2nd October 2009, 02:43 AM
hehe, i have it saved on comp aswell
(edit) i got it after several tries, for some reason i wasnt getting the full 500 ish kb, only about 131, so i just kept trying ^^ *i think i can, i think i .....
8th October 2009, 04:14 AM
Thanks so much, Tom - I tried this last night & before I had even finished the request, my feet started tingling madly, followed by the rest of my body, in a pleasant way. . . I felt really relaxed & uplifted, & then had the idea to ask whether there were any other such attunements available.
After a few seconds the word "Mustard" popped into my head, which I "accepted" & could actually taste mustard as I did so, & then "roses", which I could smell & taste - a very delightful experience. I recommend the mustard & roses to everyone, as well as the sea salt ! Slept wonderfully. . .
Namaste al
8th October 2009, 05:35 AM
Thanks. I will try mustard and roses tonight, also before going to bed. The thing is, though, I might not remember to use them in the future without really knowing more what they might do.
3rd March 2011, 12:30 PM
thanks. I felt the need to do a salt bath, i had no idea where to buy a big flippin sack of salt from so i looked here for the info where to buy it from.
This is just what the doc ordered. Very grateful. Big up your good self!
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