View Full Version : Couldn't find my wedding dress.

6th September 2009, 03:04 PM
After my obe yesterday morning ,you would think I would dream something else.I dreamed that I was going to get married next day but I couldn't find my wedding dress and buying one on such a short notice was out of the question but I was intent on going along with it even if I had to wear a regular dress,lol.Any link between this and my "sacrament " obe yesterday ? Maybe. :shock:

6th September 2009, 06:14 PM
It could be worse. You could be dreaming that you were getting married naked, in front of your family, your friends, and the groom's family and friends. It would be like those going to school naked dreams that are very popular (or just very common).

Aren't there some parables in the Bible about wedding dresses?

You said that you decided to go with it even if you had to wear a regular dress, but how did you feel?

6th September 2009, 06:23 PM
I felt bad about wearing a regular dress to my wedding in my dream,lol .I didn't want to miss it for the world !

It could be worse. You could be dreaming that you were getting married naked, in front of your family, your friends, and the groom's family and friends. It would be like those going to school naked dreams that are very popular (or just very common).

Aren't there some parables in the Bible about wedding dresses?

You said that you decided to go with it even if you had to wear a regular dress, but how did you feel?