View Full Version : All that and an astral serenade.

5th September 2009, 05:39 AM
I dreamed that my husband and I were in a clothes shop and a lady asked if she could borrow a 1 € coin to use the dressing room. We gave her a coin and as she walked away she was complaining about the crazy German dresses and pulling at the front of her top like it was strangling her. When she finally gave us our money back she made a point that she wanted us to have 2 € instead of one.

I dreamed of a set of shelves that was full of old, empty, yellow pottery.

And was I was waking up, I heard a man singing to me, "She's like the wind, through my trees. She rides the night, next to me. She leads me through moonlight, only to burn me with the sun. She's taking my heart. She doesn't know what she's done." Was it Patric Swayze? Maybe. I've been know to fly in celebrity circles. :P

5th September 2009, 02:37 PM

5th September 2009, 05:39 PM
I liked the last one.