View Full Version : Conscious Projection

1st September 2009, 12:40 PM
Hello :)
I've tried conscious projection many times. I meditate and let my body fall asleep, my mind becomes clear and calm and at times I feel various vibrations. The problem that I get is, there is this boundary that I sort of drift between. I feel like I'm going into a higher state but at that very point, I drift back into the previous stage and have to feel for the vibrations again. The bottom line is.. I can't seem to stay in that higher state. It just seems to switch on and off without me having control.
Hopefully this makes sense. One thought I had, as to why this happens is, I've got so many methods in my mind all trying to push forward at the one time. For example, I try to see my body/double in the room I'm in; I try to feel in the perspective of being in my body double; and I try to relax my body that is lying down.
Although I feel relaxed, somewhere in my mind it feels like one method is trying to win and this causes growing discomfort.

I would love to know what your thoughts are on all of this. Have you experienced anything similar? Is there a simple way to overcome this?
Thankyou in advance.

Hi GT. I copied your post and put it in Down Under (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=15587)- it may give you some immediate answers while Robert sees this one.

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 03:38 PM

I am familiar with this.

I suggest you drop all your methods and just observe yourself.

Get into an altered state and then do nothing. Observe yourself. Be a dispassionate observer. Just let it happen. do not react to it. Just observe.

you will be surprised how effective this is...doing nothing.
