View Full Version : Grey Being/alien attacked me

28th August 2009, 12:36 AM
Hey all this one was pretty crazy and intense. As I fell asleep last night I was just imagining my room in my minds eye and drifted off. Next thing I realize I'm like starting to sit up in my bed and it was really dark but I seen a figure standing there but it wasn't looking at me, so I moved around to get a better look at it and it noticed me moving around and it turned to me and looked into my eyes and It was trying to instill fear into me and it like put it's hand around my neck and pushed me back into my body and I went unconscience for I have no idea how long but I remember a few times when I peeked out of my body and still seen him standing there. Then I guess I drifted away into a deep sleep cause I started dreaming and it was weird cause it was like a nightmare but I knew it wasn't real so I wasn't scared. There was this little girl who looked demon possessed and she was screaming standing right next to me trying to scare me but I was just walking up to her so she ran away and I tried to follow her but she was gone then it turned into a good dream and I started flying around. I have had a few dreams so far with these gray alien guys but they have never used force like this before. Altogether I believe I have seen 3 different ones 2 of them had evil in there eyes but then I seen a different one in another dream who gave me a picture and the picture had a bunch of alien eyes on top of the page and there was like a before and after drawing below the page who I am guessing is me. I have no idea what it was all about but this grey alien seemed friendly and wiser.

28th August 2009, 12:50 AM
Interesting. So far I have no ideas.