View Full Version : Astral Wildlife, and the Slimer Ghost.

27th August 2009, 10:16 AM
I have, on two seperate occasions, witnessed (while lucid or semi-lucid dreaming) an astral entity that for all intents and purposes bore a striking resemblance to the fictional ghost character 'Slimer' (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&um=1&q=slimer&sa=N&start=0&ndsp=18) of the Ghost Busters franchise. The resemblance, while very similar in many ways, was not entirely perfect, however. The entities that I witnessed were a more pale smoky-blue color rather than the bright, almost neon, green of Slimer. Also, I did not recall or notice any arms on the beings that I saw -- Slimer on the other hand, has two long and noticable arms. The face of the entity I saw however WAS very much similar to the slimer Ghost: Big gaping mouth with prominent white square-shaped teeth. Both encounters were non-confrontational -- the entity did not even take notice of me. I do not recall the details of the first encounter, but I can describe a bit of the second: I was walking alone inside an empty lonely building that looked like the inside of a high-school because there were school-type lockers lining the walls. It must have been mid day because beams of light could be seen shining through the dusty air from the large-paned windows of the halls. I came upon a crossing of halls and thats when I saw it....On the left-hand hall perpendicular to the hall I was walking down was the Slimer. It was a smoky-blue color and semi-transparent. Its size was about as big as a backpack. It seemed to be hovering in front of an open locker, intently focused on whatever was inside. I was a bit startled, but realized that it had not noticed me. I stood there in a stupor for about one or two seconds when I suddenly got the instinct that I should quietly move on lest it notice me and I startle it. I moved on and probably woke up shortly afterward without incident. Now that I think of it, I do seem to remember that the FIRST time I recalled one of these entities, I think I had turned a corner suddenly in a confined, dark space and there it was right in front of me with its big eyes and gaping mouth. We must both have been startled but since it had the scarier face I think I was forced out of the dream-state and abruptly woke up.

BTW, I am not one prone to seeing fictional characters in my dream so I think these were isolated encounters with astral wildlife while I was lucid-dreaming. Anyway, just thought I would share that with you all. Oh, and here is a small random list of other wildlife I often encounter in my lucid dreams as well as my impressions of them:

Spiders = Common. Usually in dark places, make webs that make me feel unfomfortable (I have an aversion to spiders and webs in waking life).

Rats = Very Common. Usually just "there". I usually never have a negative reaction to them.

Bees/Wasps = Somewhat Common. Bad, Annoying. Usually appear suddenly and aggressively, flying into me with force and buzzing my ribcage, ears, neck. This almost always forces me awake with a strong localized buzzing/vibratory sensation in the location that I was attacked in the dream. Usually subsides within 2, 3 seconds.

Whales/Orcas = Somewhat Common. I know they are not out to really get me but I sometimes feel extremely vulnerable when the huge marine mammals are swimming in close proximity. I sense a profound wisdom and power from them and it seems like they are trying to communicate to me "Don't be afraid" but curiously enough I am helplessly wary of them in a very primal, body-fear sort of way. Sidenote: I have no fear of orcas in waking life and actually have quite an interest in them.

Cats = Very Rare. Acted just like real cats do. I only saw them once or twice. Once around snakes.

Snakes = Rare. I only saw one once or twice. Shiny black colored, medium sized grass dweller. It appeared in some tall grass in a bright and sunny park-like setting. There were some cats around too that had some relationship with the snake -- maybe predatory. Snake was just there and I din't really sense any intelligence. I feel no fear of them. I am not afraid of snakes in waking life either.

Gorilla/Baboon = Uncommon but Recurring. Usually appear in a chaotic, catastrophe-like scenarios such as earthquakes and such. I am usually running from them and have a tangible primal fear of them. I was once seized by a gray-colored gorilla in a lucid dream and it was NOT fun. Its grip was strong and I could feel my astral body crumpling under the pressure of its hands. Of course, I woke up as the life was being squeezed out of me. I RUN when I get wind that one of these is on the loose.

Turtles = Rare. I love turtles. Likewise, in my dreams as well, turtles appear in a pleasant and positive context.

Protoceratops = Rare. I did not know the name of this one and after about 20 minutes of Google Image searching dinos on the net I found it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoceratops ! I can recall one very specific occasion where I encountered Protoceratops. In fact, in close proximity and even co-habitation with human beings! It seems that people were breeding them. I saw these things scuttling all over the place like pet dogs. Some were purple colored and some were green with purple spots. It seemed that they were some kind of designer house-pet. Very docile and such. The biggest ones were around the size of a pig and probably weighed around 200 pounds but there were TONS of small baby ones running about that were no bigger than a cat. Again the colors purple and green seemed to be dominant.

T-Rex = Uncommon but Recurring. On numerous occasions I have been involved in a scenario of being hunted-chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur. The T-Rex would be in the general vicinity of wherever I am -- sniffing me out. I would hide under cars and such until it got too close, then I would make a run for it. Sometimes it catches me and is about to chomp down but I always wake up before the teeth make contact. When these dreams first started to happen they were unsettling but the more they happened, strangely enough, I began to get a sense that it was sort of an adventure game planned by myself. As if I had instructed the T-Rex to hunt me or something. I soon began to view these dreams as more of a recreational Safari-type adventure. They are still scary, but I now enjoy the thrill.

Slimer = Rare (See above). What I sense from them is not particularly malicious but not necessarily good either. I have never had a conversation with one of these things. But I get a sense that they are for the most part harmless.

The Smoke-Lord = Rare. Okay, not really an animal but worth mentioning. On two occasions I have had very unsettling encounters with an entity I can only describe as the Smoke-Lord. This is probably the ONLY time I can say that I have sensed a profound EVIL or BADness... It is a feeling that is somewhat awkward to describe. I never get a clear view of it but it does generate smoke wherever it manifests. The most memorable of the two occasions went as follows. I was wandering about in a semi-lucid state in a place that looked like a junkyard or graveyard. There were no people or life forms around. I was minding my own business looking at the ground and suddenly my attention was jolted to a point in space a few dozen meters from where I stood. Though I SAW nothing there. I sensed something had arrived. It was moving slowly. Not in my specific direction, per-se, but like right in front of me. I got a sense that something was walking there and was about to appear. I suddenly experienced a NEW sense that I had never known before. The new sense was like a tangible GUT-FEELING of EVIL. It made my stomach sick... The EVIL feeling continued and I got another gut-feeling that whatever was there was about to APPEAR. I was SO AFRAID that I could not MOVE literally. It was like my ATTENTION, my HEAD, my EYES, were locked on this empty point in space a few meters in front of me where this evil presence was. I tried to move, wake up, scream, do whatever I could to escape, but it was as if this Smoke-Lord was HOLDING MY ATTENTION on him. Suddenly it stopped moving. Now the feeling in my gut was stronger than ever: HE WAS ABOUT TO APPEAR. I began to see wisps of smoke and hear agonizing moans and groans of terror somewhere far away but connected to him in some way. More smoke appeared and I could now see small bits and pieces of him in the form of a man. The color was ashy gray. Like the color of a Television on the STATIC channel. It felt too sickening to bear and I felt as if he was now reaching out to me in some sort of attack. That was just too much to bear I guess and I awoke with a very sickening feeling. BTW, I have never "seen a ghost" in waking life, but THIS encounter gave me a strong notion that I had, truly, seen a ghost.

28th August 2009, 03:22 AM
Here's another dream creature that has appeared numerous times to me:

Giant Pug: Recurring. Strange, yes, but oddly enough have appeared in my dreams several times. They look and act EXACTLY like RL pugs do: Short-legged, Stout, Happy-go-lucky, curious, fiesty things...Only GIANT. These beasts are AT LEAST the size of a bull african elephant if not larger. [link removed as it didn't satisfy the 20 post min. rules.] (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=186#p31270) They are't malicious but I never feel comfortable when they are around for obvious reasons and usually avoid them and turn to running. But, being the dogs that they are, they usually give chase and I wind up waking up right before one of these things gets me in their huge slobbery mouth (which by the way could hold a full sized sofa).