View Full Version : Astral Travel & Shamanic Journey

25th August 2009, 09:43 PM
Understandably there is a difference between OBE and Journeying, but could you explain how they differ as both involve a deep meditative or trance state, and both involve going somewhere, but are they both out of body? are you able to see yourself, or a silver cord during a journey. Or is it that a journey involves more or less detail. How would I know for sure which one I had experienced if I hadnt experienced the other? Thankyou for your time, hope that makes sense. Dave Brough.

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 03:31 PM

Astral projection, and journeying, are the same thing.

There are lots of names for this, but they all mean the same thing.

This is like how clairvoyance has a modern name 'remote viewing'.

As we say in Australia 'same dog...different leg action'
