View Full Version : Bikes

Neil Templar
15th August 2009, 05:14 PM
living in Amsterdam, a city of millions of bicycles, it's hardly surprising that i dream of bikes quite regularly.
i go everywhere on my bike, so i see the bikes as symbolizing a means to get somewhere.

last night i had a dream almost identical to one i had about 6 months ago.
in the lane just outside my Mum's (my childhood) house, hanging from the trees, and leaning against the hedges, i find a number of bikes.
various shapes, all hugely over-sized, really cool designs. 8)
some were kinda tangled up in each other, wheels caught in frames etc...

there was one just by the side of the path that would've been easy to grab and ride off on, but i felt like i had to get them all down from where they hung, so i could make the proper choice.

i got them all down, and stood looking at them all.
in the end i decided on one that was no more than a frame and handlebars.
no wheels or chain. :?

i remember thinking that i could use the wheels and stuff that i already own.

i could interpret that a coupe of ways i think - either

A) - an acknowledgement of the parts i've already gathered on my journey, meaning i only require certain other parts of the bike to get me where i'm going.
i've already got the wheels and chain etc, the parts that are concerned with propulsion, movement.
now i require the frame and handlebars. a solid framework, and steering mechanism, to hold it all together and make it possible to navigate to my chosen destination, (i like this option more. :wink: ) or...

B) - it's telling me i'm making choices that make my journey more difficult than it need be. :roll:

C) - all of the above. :P :wink: (most likely. :lol: )

any thoughts??

oh and IIRC, last time i had this dream, i didn't actually make a choice.

16th August 2009, 04:10 AM

Neil Templar
16th August 2009, 01:13 PM
:D 8)