View Full Version : A somewhat philosophical question.

8th August 2009, 10:59 PM
Is positive and negative energy polarized by its own nature, or by the direction in which it was sent, and the intent towards which it was raised?

9th August 2009, 12:50 AM
Polarity is relative. Is it in alignment with you or counter to you.

Its no different than a magnet. The north pole is opposite if you are a south pole but the same if you are also a north pole.

Energy is inherently neutral. Any shifting, shading, character, or arranging is caused by the source and how it was raised (intent, technique) and any influences along the way (mirrors, shields, etc).

9th August 2009, 10:36 PM
Following wstein's idea, it occurs to me that the resistance you apply to this 'current' may have to do with how you perceive it.

10th August 2009, 03:31 AM
Would that stance say that the direction of that energy can be redirected on a causal level?

Scenario: a powerful neg attacks somebody. A developed projector or skilled occultists manipulates the "source" of this neg at a causal level, infusing it with benevolence. If the energy is redirected completely, does this dangerous demon take on angelic qualities?

10th August 2009, 05:46 AM
Any 'target' can be swamped with energy of a certain type if their defenses can be overpowered, bypassed, or breached. Some one looking not too carefully will see the more powerful foreign energy and 'miss' the lesser energy of the target. This does not actually infuse the target with the attributes from the energy, only the energy itself.

With the addition of possession (residence), an implant, or attached energy source; that foreign energy may continue to present itself indefinitely.

As such, a NEG may look like it has 'angelic' qualities but that is a false impression. A closer look would see the energies and attributes of both entities.

To a certain extent the target may be convinced to act against it inner nature. This is due to coercion not the energy itself.

As per Star Wars, certain individuals can be 'turned' to another ideology. Just as often, such attempts destroy the target rather than turn them. Again, this is not due to the energy but to psychological effects.