View Full Version : This weird dream I had this morning!

7th August 2009, 04:14 PM
I've been busy lately because I plan to move to my new apartment soon.Yesterday,I went to my new apartment to steam clean the carpets in both bedrooms and when I went back towards the living room I saw a black shadow but dismissed it right away.This morning I had this lucid dream and I was in my new apartment with my children and we were celebrating.There were 2 cakes on the coffee table and I saw that the cakes were pushed right off the coffee table and then I said to everybody that there was someone there that shouldn't be there and as soon as I said this,there appeared this guy dressed in a black suit,blond hair and pitch black eyes ,that meaning the whole eye was black.I was not afraid and I told him actually I said that I was commanding him that he should leave and never return because he shouldn't be there and he said that he will leave but that he will be back and I told him to never come back because he doesn't belong there.He ultimately left saying that he will not be back and I woke up.Does anyone have any idea what this was all about ?!

8th August 2009, 12:44 AM
Well,here I am replying to my own post ! Could someone please ,tell me what they think about this dream? Pleease?

I just found this about people with pitch black eyes.Is this true ? http://www.rense.com/general81/blak.htm

8th August 2009, 07:40 AM
Very interesting story. Men in suits that appear in dreams can be quite disturbing.

Neil Templar
8th August 2009, 10:13 AM
yikes Niki!
good job you were so direct with him!

9th August 2009, 02:40 AM
Yeah,yikes!What is so strange is that other people have seen these people with pitch black eyes but I had never heard about them and I dreamed about one and I knew exactly what to tell him. :shock:

yikes Niki!
good job you were so direct with him!

Neil Templar
9th August 2009, 02:53 AM
well, i've never heard of them, but it seems you knew exactly what action to take.
whether you'd heard of them or not. some part of you knew what to do..