View Full Version : More crazy dreams

5th August 2009, 11:53 PM
This one was a doozy.

As usual, the dream itself seemed to cover a fair stretch of time. I was at some kind of gathering, where a bunch of people I knew were. This included family from Minnesota and some of my friends from here in Texas. I think it was Christmastime, as I remember my great Aunt wrapping presents. The location was the mobile home park where my dad lives, although not at his place. I stepped outside at one point and saw a storm building rapidly. Then the storm suddenly shifted into a massive explosion of water erupting from the earth, like an H20 volcano. It looked like it was really close to the park, actually IN the park, and I ran back inside yelling at everyone that we needed to escape fast, because water was rapidly starting to rise. No one seemed to listen to me though, they were all completely unconcerned. This was very frustrating to me, but a few minutes passed and the water didn't seem to be reaching threatening levels, and so I thought maybe things would be fine. A little more time passed in the dream, and then I got an urge to look outside again. I did, and this time a true volcanic eruption occurred, with lava bursting forth from the same place that the water had earlier. This time I knew we were in real trouble, and I started yelling at everyone to escape again. Some still seemed unconcerned, but everyone else was too confused to do anything, and a wave of lava took us all down.

Then the dream shifted, and I don't remember all of the details about this part. I remember being in a shop of some sort, and there was a guy that looked kind of like a mechanic. I was asking him about lucid dreaming, and asking him for advice on how to have more of them (or clearer ones, I don't remember exactly what.) He said that he could make a device or mechanism for me that would induce lucid dreams, and I think I jumped at that idea, but everything got kind of fuzzy at that point.

Then I found myself BACK in the dream I was in earlier. This time though, when the water first began erupting out of the earth I raised my hand and just willed it to stop, and it did. Then I think I did a bunch of other lucid-dreamy stuff that I can't remember very well, but I was going around and actively affecting the dreamstate environment.

In any case, a very cool dream.

6th August 2009, 02:11 AM
Water & fire & earth= then a secret for LD'ing- then control of the water element. I see a pattern.

6th August 2009, 02:29 AM
Water & fire & earth= then a secret for LD'ing- then control of the water element. I see a pattern.

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines.

I'm interested to see what I'll remember from tonight's dreams.