View Full Version : A thief or a hero?

31st July 2009, 07:35 PM
I had a very long, interesting dream last night.

The basic premise seemed to be that I was either a member or the leader of a group that was constantly sabotaging this mega-corporation. There was some massive powerful device that they were trying to activate, and it seemed like a good portion of the dream was me and some others trying to steal and get away with the keys they needed to operate the device. I don't remember why I was so opposed to this corporation.

In any case, I and a few others in this dream had the ability to fly. In fact, it seemed that pretty much everyone had the potential to, it was just a very difficult ability to master. Even I had a lot of trouble with it, sometimes not having the best control and being unable to go up very far or go very fast...but I was better at it than anyone else in the dream. Even so, I would often get tangled by power lines, and every time I took off someone usually flew up and grabbed my legs, trying to pull me down. I don't think anyone was very successful with it though. There was lots of intrigue in the dream as well...a lot of political maneuvering that I can't even remember. The dream seemed to cover hours and hours of material and I can't remember a lot of the details. After a lot of exciting close calls, I eventually stole the unique key (there were four keys, three were exactly the same and the fourth was unique), and at the end of the dream I was with a girl and we were testing our own new security perimeter that I had designed based on my exploits - basically, a system good enough that only I could get around it. I think by stealing the key I wound up making a huge amount of money somehow...in fact I think the key had something to do with my security system.

In any case, my description is really jumbled because the details are all so fuzzy, but I do remember it was one hell of a cool dream.

31st July 2009, 07:42 PM
Were there any bubbles floating around in your dream when you were working on the thingamajig?

1st August 2009, 02:19 AM
Were there any bubbles floating around in your dream when you were working on the thingamajig?

I don't remember any bubbles. The device itself was in a chamber underground. I remember a spherical space, with a catwalk going out to a dome. In front of the dome there was a small walkspace that had a console of some type. The keys themselves though were in a remote activation device that looked like a beefy laptop. I remember being in possession of both the remote activation device and all four keys. I placed three of the keys into the laptop thingy, which brought it into ready mode, and then I pocketed the fourth key and left the device for the corporation to find.

1st August 2009, 07:32 AM
My immediate gut response is that the "powerful device" is something inside of you, and that you are continually sabotaging yourself, keeping it from being activated. The idea that this "corporation" is somehow "bad" may say a lot about the situation, as well. Probably all of the others represented aspects of yourself, as well.

Okay, maybe that's entirely wrong. I've been known to be. ;)

1st August 2009, 08:34 PM
My immediate gut response is that the "powerful device" is something inside of you, and that you are continually sabotaging yourself, keeping it from being activated. The idea that this "corporation" is somehow "bad" may say a lot about the situation, as well. Probably all of the others represented aspects of yourself, as well.

Okay, maybe that's entirely wrong. I've been known to be. ;)

I dunno, I can easily see that being true. :P I never thought to question the assumption that the big corporation was bad. Definitely something to ponder though...