View Full Version : Is the practice of Astral Projection against Christianity?

31st July 2009, 03:41 AM
Good afternoon.

My question is simple: Is the practice of Astral Projection against Christianity?

It would be great to receive a range of views and perspectives on the topic. Personally, I don't believe it will interfere with my religion, however, others persist it does.

Where possible, please provide solid evidence to back up your claims.

Some key words which may stimulate ideas: soul, spirit, entity (inc. negs), energy, psychic, power, god, pure, NDE.

Your thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks!

31st July 2009, 05:21 AM
I read The Bible at times, and no where have I ever found a verse that says, directly or indirectly, not to have your spirit leave your body on purpose.

It is my belief that The Bible is not against astral projection, but in fact, astral projection relates to what The Bible says about the spirit.

Dreams are mentioned in the Bible and they try to be interpreted, God appeared to people and so did angels in dreams.

I think it's safe to assume that astral projection is an activity of the spirit and is natural and healthy, rather it's done on purpose or not.

31st July 2009, 06:00 AM
Yes Ryan.

I remember reading that Robert Bruce says that we project every night as we sleep, and we are usually unaware of the event.

He also says that Astral Projection isn't the actual soul leaving the body, but rather an energetic double which is generated and projected - the soul being intact with the physical body until physical death.

When I undertake Astral Projection, I never project with bad intentions. I never do it to hurt someone, to feel superior to God, or anything classified as negative. I always project with good intentions, and I also feel that AP does improve my connection with God and it is a 'pure' sort of thing to develop/maintain/cleanse my energy body (which could lead to an improved experience after physical death?). I've also become a more positive person since meditation and metaphysical practices (AP, lucid dreaming, E-Work).

I have had many dreams which I believe aren't a consequence of my conscious/unconscious mind, but were manipulated or influenced by living spirits and entities. Sometimes, we can't control whether they interfere with our dreams or not. For those who have had these experiences, it would be unfair to say we acted against God? I believe so, because if spirits are real, these sorts of things happen.

More views are welcome.

31st July 2009, 03:37 PM
If we assume that God's will is for good (and I can get a bunch of bible quotes to support this, but I digress) then I can't imagine how seeking to understand and perhaps right what unconsciousness does can go against God. In fact, I believe that the bible gives us the directive to use those gifts the spirit has given us.
So I'd say that those who try to keep us from using those gifts for conscious exploration of our unconsciousness are misguided.

31st July 2009, 04:54 PM
It is my understanding that The Christ, praticed the Gnostic Theaching, one of the mantras he used was "Faracon" which is, a AP inducing mantra.
And I ran into Satan in OBE once, I had ahold of one of his hoofs, and when pulled on it, he was under something I want to see what it was, So when I pulled on the hoof, I relized I had hold of the devil. When I pulled and knew it was Satan I was struck with fear, and begain a barrage of fear being throw at me, you name it I was getting it, but as I over came these fears there was nolonger any thing to fear. Satan amost got me , he tried, but I don't have anything against the Devil, to me it seems he also works for Maker and is just doing his job, how ever sinister he may seem, in my world, God incompasses all things, not some things.

Just in all the things you do, do with God in mind, don't let ego get to you, be humble before Creator, align self with that which is, where ever you go, go with God where ever you are, you are within the Creation.

31st July 2009, 05:01 PM
It is my understanding that The Christ, praticed the Gnostic Theaching, one of the mantras he used was "Faracon" which is, a AP inducing mantra.

I have run into this phrase before but have seen no scriptural (or gnostic scriptural sources) for this statement. I have most of the gnostic scriptures and have never seen this in any of them.
Faraon is the name in romanized form for pharaoh, who was the title to the king of ancient Egypt. The word pharaoh (or faraon) means 'great house'. from Late Latin Pharaō, from Greek, from Hebrew par‘ō, from Egyptian pr-‘’ : pr, house + ‘’, great.]

Pharaonic Phar'a·on'ic (fâr'ā-ŏn'Ä♥k) adj.

Would it be fair to say that the above information is channeled, or is it supported by any ancient scripture?

31st July 2009, 07:34 PM
It is my understanding that The Christ, praticed the Gnostic Theaching, one of the mantras he used was "Faracon" which is, a AP inducing mantra.

I have run into this phrase before but have seen no scriptural (or gnostic scriptural sources) for this statement. I have most of the gnostic scriptures and have never seen this in any of them.
Faraon is the name in romanized form for pharaoh, who was the title to the king of ancient Egypt. The word pharaoh (or faraon) means 'great house'. from Late Latin Pharaō, from Greek, from Hebrew par‘ō, from Egyptian pr-‘’ : pr, house + ‘’, great.]

Pharaonic Phar'a·on'ic (fâr'ā-ŏn'Ä♥k) adj.

Would it be fair to say that the above information is channeled, or is it supported by any ancient scripture?

I am not sure of this I should of said supposed mantras, but it is my understanding supposed, to say that,The Christ was an Essence, as were his physical Father Joseph, mother Mary, Mary Madiline, John the Baptist, the Essence still exist today, one group in Brazil has a mountian side plant with fruit, Tropical at sea level, and as you go up the mountian the fruit changes, grapes, peach,pears, apples, I would also think they would have all the nut tree also.
So any how I sould of said supposed in regard to Faracon, but it seems I remember Egypto which is supposed AP producing Mantra, was used by a group of you down under folk, in a very large mass AP experiment sometime back.
I do not see eye to eye with current trend with in Gnostic Teachings, but know it goes back very far, I am more in line with the Tibetan teachings which is the base for most all religions, much of which is secrect only because is not well know. On the other hand , a attenp has been made to keep much of the secrets of Gnostic Teachings from the masses, and held secrect to all those execpt those in control of the Church.

I don't know if you have tried the "Egypto" mantra, it's hard for me to because I live with people who don't understand what I do, and it freaks them out. But I have mp3 of this and could post it, I had a bug problem and crashed all my info so if interested it would take day or two to retrive. But this is all about vibratios, Mantra Yoga, sound, powers of sound vibrations. If you have not tried "Egypto", it would probabily be very interesting.
I use the Long Hum and Ah Nu Ta Ra Hum, in Tibetan it is used to go from waking state to aware sleeping state, in your mind your heart is sitting within the four petal lotus, the petals on four sides, front Ah, left Nu, rear is Ta, Right Ra, then the center is Hum the pericarp. As you visuralize each symbol on each petal Ah nu Ta Ra Hum, this is when the flaming dot sitting in the cresent of Hum shoots upwards thru the Aperture of Brahma, this is repeted over and over, I stop when the hum is just there and is no effort to maintain . This done upon retiring, right side down with the lying posture of a Lion.

That all said I don't think Maker would mind if we AP, but from my understanding we should strive to atain higher levels than AP, as god resides at supposed 6th level up I tink.
I will research this Farcon further.

31st July 2009, 07:39 PM
I personally do not like to use any mantras that have 'other' associations with them- If I used faraon or egypto, it would only influence what I 'see' in terms of what I know about ancient egypt. That's why I prefer to use mantras that have a simple and clear meaning, such as "OM" or "IAm", which have a specific significance for me.
I would prefer you don't post any links until you get a 20 post count, as per forum rules.
I'm sure if anyone wants to hear them (if they haven't already) they'll pm you about it.

31st July 2009, 08:05 PM
I personally do not like to use any mantras that have 'other' associations with them- If I used faraon or egypto, it would only influence what I 'see' in terms of what I know about ancient egypt. That's why I prefer to use mantras that have a simple and clear meaning, such as "OM" or "IAm", which have a specific significance for me.
I would prefer you don't post any links until you get a 20 post count, as per forum rules.
I'm sure if anyone wants to hear them (if they haven't already) they'll pm you about it.

Ok I understand, but did you know about the mass AP experiment done in Australia sometime back, they some used Egypto, I'm not sure of what the results were.

What are your thoughts on the, Long Hum, or Hum, Ong, it is a lot with the vibration created, which I am sure you are aware, this is why the "Egypto" interested me ,the intence vibration it causes. But like I said where I am it is hard to do this, but just fooling around I was about ready for RTZ.

Another thing I have noticed since coming to AD I have devopled a very strange urge to have my car worked on? :D

If you keep taling to me I should have twenty post in no time, I read most of the rules.

31st July 2009, 10:02 PM
Well, I use "I Am" for centering, and "Om" has resulted in very interesting projections.
I'm not sure if I heard about the use of 'egypto' in a meditation in Australia, as I'm not Australian. I may have read about it, but don't really remember. There are various Australians in this board, so I'm sure someone else will have something to say.

1st August 2009, 06:10 AM
I've never heard of that in Australia. I've lived here for ten years. There are a couple other Aussies around, as well, perhaps one of them will know.

4th August 2009, 01:52 AM
Paul very clearly reference OOBE here:

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know--God knows.
2 Corinthians 12:2

He goes on, in that passage, to talk about the things he saw/experienced.

4th August 2009, 09:21 AM
"Egypto" is one of the mantras used by Gnosticweb and they have groups in Australia, so I'd say it was their experiment. Basically they run group sessions where I understand they use commonly known methods to induce OBEs. The Great Pyramid is one of their group destinations.

Marilyn Hughes at http://www.outofbodytravel.orgwrites hundreds of articles on mystics of all religious persuasions and their out-of-body experiences. She makes these available as free downloads.

6th August 2009, 11:56 PM
I found another reference to OOBE in direct Christian experience. This time it was St Catherine of Siena. She was very much a mystic from the word go, and had all kinds of interesting visions and ecstatic experiences, but on one particular occasion she fell into a kind of trance for three days. Some people observing thought she might be dead, so I assume it was a coma or something similar. Some other observers who knew her and knew about her mystical experiences wondered if her soul had actually been removed from her body and she taken to "the third heaven" (not sure what that is, but it crops up from time to time in Christian mystical literature). After three days and nights, she did "return" but apparently she was quite disoriented and maintained that she had, indeed, left her body. She said she could never describe the things she saw and experienced because there were no words to do so.

Now, you really have to take stories of the lives of saints with a grain of salt, but the point is that this is a recognised Christian saint, and she is widely reported to have experienced OOBE. (As an interesting sidenote, Catherine of Siena was also said to occasionally levitate when she was in a prayer trance, and occasionally witnesses would see things around her like a visible aura of light. I don't know what to make of that, but it's interesting.)