View Full Version : Humans Naturally Glow in the Dark

28th July 2009, 10:47 AM
Hello Bruce

I have been a reader of your astral dynamics book and Robert Monroes work. Some success myself with astral projection but as most people only partial.

Now to buisness. I have currently read that the japanese have found a glow of the body on pure darkness. See link below. They can only theorise that it originates from photons from the chemical reactions on the skin. I was wondering if this could actualy be the "final" empirical prove for astral body existance that we have all been waiting for? Maybe with this test setup we could finaly see the actual astral body separating from the physical? It would be nice to finaly prove it to the scientific comunity without the shadow of a doubt!

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534 ... s41CiM/Q== (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534390,00.html?cfA32219C7=3DA05C95!YTIxMjA1 MDpzZWN1cmVoZGF1dGg64e1avHExwYGqNws41CiM/Q==)

Thanks agarin for your great reseach on the astral topic. Humanity at large needs to get back in contact with their spirit and sadly relegion is clueless on the topic.


Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 03:02 PM

I do not know if this could be used for proving obe.

It will be a very long time before OBE will be proven and accepted in general.

This is too disturbing for most people to contemplate.

Denial is easier.

The truth has little to do with this.
